Discussion: Second Explosive Device Found Blocks From Scene OF NYC Explosion

Sure seems to me that loose cannon Trump was able to announce the bombing incident as if he had set the scene up himself! He’s Crooked Trump, from now on!


I was thinking yesterday that it seemed a while since the last violent incident like this. It was nice while it lasted. I’m glad they were able to find the second device before anyone else was hurt.


Mayor Bill de Blasio ruled out any terror connections but called the blast an “intentional act.”

Um, run that by me again?


Could it be code for “Hey folks we’ve had an explosion, but we don’t know who left the exploding toolbox and I’m not going to speculate.” As opposed to HO “There was a BOMB in NYC, run for cover” comment? A calm, cool, considerate man he is not.


“I will give you good results. Don’t worry how I get there, okay? Please.”

As Romney with Benghazi not even 12 hours and he has 1000% of the answers and has a plan…just don’t ask what it is…


Are you suggesting Trump would pay someone to set bombs off to create a terrorism incident so he could then capitalize on it in his campaign? Are there any Trump properties nearby so he could apply for a $150,000 recovery aid grant, like he did at ground zero?


Wishing the injured quick recovery. Trump must be counting his blessings this story will step on the report about him being the greatest welfare king ($885M) tax breaks he has managed to milk from the system…


Were the perps Trump supporters trying to get an insurrection started? They certainly have the motive and all the encouragement Deplorable Don can give. Well, I dunno for sure. You tell me.


Everything is about Trump. Either to be used as a campaign plus, or as a means of attacking Hillary, or both.


No, Mr. Mayor. This is terrorism, just probably not “Islamic”, but homegrown political terrorism. There is such a thing. Not all terrorists are Muslim. In America a terrorist is more likely to be Christian and right-wing.


I could see one of his drooling idiot disciples doing it for free.


I don’t put anything past them.

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I was just thinking of typing almost exactly the same thing.
Nobody wants innocent people to die from an terrorist attack more than Trump and his lemmings.


" A thunderous explosion rocked a Chelsea street Saturday night — injuring at least 29 people, blasting out windows and sending scores of panicked pedestrians running for their lives, cops and witnesses said.

The ground-shaking detonation on W. 23rd St. between Sixth and Seventh Aves. was “an intentional act,” Mayor de Blasio said at the scene, adding that the investigation is in its early stages."

Violence, the ultimate force of division, makes TheRealLucifer crazed. It loves it! Oh, how It thrives!

More. More confusion. More fear. “I must tell you.”


There are also just idiot who like to set off bombs.

The location suggests to me that whoever set the thing off wasn’t particularly trying for damage or loss of life, although they may have been trying hard not to be identified. The fact that a second device (if that’s indeed what it was) was recovered so quickly) also suggests that the police have a fairly good idea of what’s going on, but don’t want to make a statement yet.


Oh, Trump definitely takes the prize. It was a bomb, almost certainly planted by ISIS! The man is clearly a clairvoyant genius. But to say that an explosive device was intentionally set off, but that it’s not terrorism, seems to be quite a stretch. It may not be foreign terrorism, but I think it’s safe to assume that the intent was to create fear. That’s the definition of terrorism. I doubt that someone was just trying out a new method of quickly painting an entire building, or that this was all just a college prank gone awry.

Actually, I think this was a false flag operation. By the Trump campaign. (This is what happens when you spend too much time listening to the kinds of things that conspiracy wackos come up with. I fear I may be damaged goods.)

Edit: Ah, I see I’m not the first one to be thinking along these lines. There must be something to this. We should round up all of the Trumpists until our government figures out what’s going on.

Edit redux: Next thing you know, someone is going to burn down the Reichsta…, uh, the Capitol.


That’s covered by the Second Amendment, right? (Or “2 Amendment,” as the cognoscenti call it.)


This is all excellent news for Donald Trump, whose poll numbers will see another uptick courtesy of panicky, bug-eyed cable news coverage designed to frighten the rabbits in small Ohio towns and Florida suburbs that have no connection whatsoever to real terrorism.

The rabbits will hear Trump’s “I will give you good results” and tearfully offer their silent thanks in prayer as they open another bottle of Brawndo. The managing editors at the NYT, CNN, and AP will have staff meetings to plan their next investigation into Hillary’s emails to Clinton Foundation donors to see whether or not Syd Blumenthal was indeed on the Clinton payroll as he peddled Birther rumors.