Discussion: Sebastian Gorka Out Of WH Job, Disputes Claim He Did Not Resign

That’s right. Is he taking his wife with him?

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46% of the people sent in the clown on November 8, 100% of us feel the pain. Tante pis.


Thinking along the same lines.



I wanted to throw up a little when Gorky wrote his punchline about The People’s House…puhleeze, it hasn’t been that since the Obamas moved out. I can’t see that Dump or his team of billionaire swamp creatures has done one damn thing for “the people” since he’s desecrated the WH with his mental filth.

I know we’ll survive this, but geez, the bottom just could hardly be any lower than this pack of evil clowns.




Now that this fraud is out of the White House, I guess we can expect him to appear on *Fox News as a vaunted “expert”. Sigh.

*Edit - or worse - CNN.

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Yes it’s a giant step toward fascism. No idea whether people will realize it. I fear it is too abstract, or too remote, or too alarmist sounding, for the MSM, or people generally, to see except in hindsight.


An unnamed “source with knowledge of the situation” told Yahoo News that Gorka had resigned, “but only after being informed on Friday by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly that his security clearance had been revoked, which would have made it impossible for him to continue in his White House job.

Didn’t realize you needed a security clearance to drink coffee all day.


It’s going to be awkward. On one hand Gorka & Hannity are going to do a Trump blowfest, but they will have to criticize Kelly, and how can they do that without making Trump look like clueless manipulable dupe, or a fraud that dumped all the people that helped reach the presidency?


So exactly what was the reason (other than “incompetent evil crazy asswipe”) for revoking his clearance? Usually you have to do something to have that happen, and often the something exposes you to other jeopardy. Which would be only just in this case.

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The forced resignation puts an end to Gorka in the White House but the way it was done, revoking his security clearance, probably puts and end to Gorka outright. Gen Kelly knows a bad guy when he sees one and he knows how to kill them. Gorka can go back to B’Bart I guess as Bannon did but only because there’s no where else for them to go. Gorka = Clearance Revocation is the rest of Seb. Gorka’s life.

I think Gen. Kelly saw to that. Gorka could have been forced out by means other that those used and once out his “need to know” status would be gone and his Security Clearance would be lifted. That method keeps him alive after he leaves the White House. Kelly chose to finish the man in all capacities. Forever. He revoked (different than having a clearance removed once no longer needed ) Gorka’s clearance while Gorka was still in office as a Deputy Assistant to the President. That is a profoundly crushing way to reject a man. And it is likely to come up in any conversation with the media ( other than FOX ) Gorka has for the rest of his life. He can’t make the rounds with that on his resume.


the aspect that has struck me is how far the republican party will go to give more tax cuts to the wealthy and remove environmental protections. There is an entire congress and senate busily giving this traitor all kinds of time and power so they can get their agenda finished. If they cared about integrity, they would’ve hustled Pence into place and still gotten all their dream bills passed. 45 does not shock me, his enablers do.


the correct term is oligarchy

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Absolutely. Crazy gonna crazy. But you don’t make it President. Or at least we used not to.


This, FYI, is how military coops happen in third world countries. On a regular basis. And I am not accusing this highly qualified retired general of overstepping his bounds here or being any threat to our democracy. Not at all. He is the only functioning adult in the WH at this point, and, as such, is the country’s best defense against this fascist clown and his thugs.

That said, everyone with a functioning brain in this country needs to take a cold hard look at this situation. Our best defense of democracy against a wannabe dictator lies in the hands of a General. It’s sobering. We are not so different after all from all those countries who were forced to turn to their generals to save them from their “elected” despot. Time for a big slice of humble pie, America.


Gorka: “I did too resign! I resigned myself to the fact that I was fired. See, I told you!”

Fired while on vacation…Trump is so-o-o-o classy.

Now, it’s Miller time!

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