Discussion: Seattle Times Reporter Resigns After Probe Into Gross DMs To Female Writer

Look Castor, if the Iranians were behind the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, they’re certainly behind this.


Might be a good time to ask “Cui Bono?” Sure, Donnie would like a replacement headline to distract us (and Bolton and the Bangers do so desperately want the End Times Polka to start) but the immediate result of this sort of action is likely to be a spike in oil prices, and that directly benefits Vlad and the Middle Eastern Bonesaw and Meat Supply Company most, so maybe they (or more likely their paid shills and minions) had a hand in it.

Of course, the fact that it also helps keep Donnie and the Dummkoffs boiling the pot over here would just be icing on the cake…

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I thought it was the Germans - look, if they could bomb Pearl Harbor, they could certainly pull off something like this…


They were merely pawns of Bigfoot, who is known to work at the behest of the Grays.


Some are asking how this is relevant to TPM’s Mission. I get it. Here’s what I have to say.

Hahahaaa… I had always said Seattle Times’ reporter Mike Rosenberg was an ass for failing to cover anything about MERS or my lawsuit as to why the City never sued MERS as did so many Counties in Oregon. Well there you go, folks, Talking Points Memo reports that he has now basically been sacked for sexual harassment, just goes to show… Unfortunately the Times will still likely continue to ignore the issue…