Discussion for article #244750
Sean, you cock-eyed optimist, we don’t have conversations in America about important social matters anymore; we have verbal drive-bys!
Dear Journal-- Today I became a journalist. And Sean Penn’s article totally opened my eyes to the War on Drugs. But I didn’t think of it first, so I’m gonna go on the internet and flame him SO BAD!
To be fair, I like Sean Penn and I think he’s got a good heart and some stand up politics, but his article failed because of his bizarre writing that permitted everyone to focus on anything but the issue and the article’s raison d’etre. I mean, he blabbered about farting and his cock and enjoying a piss on the side of the road. It was ridiculous and a distraction.
this one paragraph nails the whole thing. it’s time for everybody to move on.
Speaking of “cockeyed”, this is an excerpt from the interview between Penn and El Chapo, and it’s a little TMI…
•“(I) lumber over to the tree line to take a piss. (Little Richard) in hand, I do consider it among my body parts vulnerable to the knives of irrational narco types, and take a fond last look, before tucking it back into my pants.”
Sean Penn, self important egotist. Gonna change the war on drugs all by himself.
Maybe someone like Geraldo Rivera would be jealous of this stunt. Not real journalists, Sean. You take James Fallows—when he wants to write on a subject, he goes around the world, quite literally, and talks to 50 or 60 of the people who know the most about it. Then he sits down to write, and by that point he’s got something to say worth hearing. He’s a journalist. You’re an actor, and a good one. Stick to that. Because you have no idea what real journalists do or how they do it.
To that point (Sean’s bizarre writing), here’s Sean Penn interviewing “God”.
I assure you that I lucked into that usage, since I didn’t read the interview.
Funniest piece I’ve read in quite a while. Thanx for the link.
Penn also shared a picture-posing tip from his years on the red carpet. And no, I haven’t read it either but several quotes were posted in my newspaper today.
“I explain that, for authentication purposes, it would be best if we are shaking hands, looking into the camera, but not smiling.”
In many ways Penn is still Jeff Spicoli. Very funny
If you’re going to read Sean Penn’s writing, you’ve got to consider the source.
This isn’t the sort of journalism relatively anonymous correspondents do in foreign/dangerous regions, where they often risk their lives in the pursuit of information. This is the Hollywood version of that.
The article itself won’t ignite any kind of discussion about anything but Sean Penn, because the interview never really took place, and instead we get another episode of the Sean Penn Show.
Perhaps. But he got to fondle his manhood while contemplating its potential imminent demise at the hands of cartel members. How many of us have ever savored such a moment in our lives?
Sean: I think you’re a great actor and director and I like your politics. But I think it might be possible that you’re kind of a self-deluding jackass, 'mmkay?
This is what Mr, Hand thought of Sean’s article:
Sean Penn seems to be coming to resemble John McAffee, both in appearance and attitude/mindset.
I heard a right-wing immigration opponent (from some Astro-Turf-named organization like “Center for Immigration Studies”) who was saying that the problem with letting Central and S. American refugees into the US is that it takes away the motivation to fix those other countries. He went on and on about how the middle classes in those places would rise up and do away with corruption and violence if they didn’t have the US beckoning them. He did this without once mentioning the US WOD. And Penn rightly points out that the US media is doing the same in its coverage of El Chapo. Too many people have too much at stake in the WOD and it will only end when we decide that we’re tired of wasting the human capital in our and other countries on this mindless, destructive enterprise.
Penn has a scraggly appearance similar to McAffee, but that’s as far as the similarity goes as far as I can see. McAffee is a paranoid, heavily-armed eccentric and murder suspect. Penn is a head-strong, socially conscious activist, artist and filmmaker.