Discussion: Sean Hannity Slams CNN For ‘Literally’ Kissing ‘Hillary Clinton’s Ass’

Saying that Hillary is not healthy is one of those attacks that is dangerous because it is such a dumb thing for Trump to say that it is difficult to take seriously. Hillary is seeking a cold chai and a reporter wants to interview her. Well, what would you do? Hillary shook her head vigorously to indicate nice try but no way. Trump inc takes a clip of the head shake out of context and expects to be believed. No wonder Trump has that pants on fire rep. Hannity,too.

Republicans LITERALLY need to go look at dictionary . com and get a better understanding of “literally”:smiley:

Gee, Sean, and exactly where is your nose right now?

No wonder why Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson wears so much lipstick.

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And mean while hannity has the donalds balls down his mouth. Go to hell you sorry ass whole hannity.

He then toddled off the set, demanded milk, cookies and his “binky.” Way to prove to the world that in addition to being unhistorical and unhinged, his emotional age is somewhere below that of Hillary’s opponent.

On the other end of this, I made the mistake of listening to Trump’s speech yesterday - am I alone in thinking that he sounded medicated? If they release medical records for both candidates, I’d love to get my eyeballs on Trump’s MAR…

The freakout at red state continues… So much fun.

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