Discussion: Sean Hannity Defends Donald Trump From The Big, Bad Press

Even more quickly than that.


Two bloviating, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynist, racist, utterly detestable, below-average intellects. They should have listened to The Wolf: “Let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quite yet.”


You are a busy person posting here and at PW. Like your posts


MSNBC was on my Sirius from last night, so that little exchange greeted me when I started the car this morning. Thankfully, I hadn’t eaten yet.

If there were true justice in the world, Joe would be back selling mobile homes in Pensacola, and Mika would be doing pennance in some slum for abetting him.

Oh, and Halperin was on, of course. I don’t think I have enought of a malevolent streak to come up with a fitting punishment for him. Alex Pareene was right. He is No. 1 on the Hack List.


This user is suspended until October 18, 2043 7:54am.
Reason: Sock Puppet for sad, sad troll with too much time on it’s hands



Although I am pretty disgusted with the Fourth Estate these days, the fact that Hannity (OH the irony) would defend The Donald from have questions asked about his actions and/or declarations is rich. Do either one of these sanctimonious, self-entitled putzes think that the American people are supposed to swallow whatever line of BS they put out there? Clearly, the answer is ‘yes’. I fear both of these ‘guys’ suffer from the Leona ‘little people’ Helmsley disease.


Hear. Hear. Every word is 100% accurate! What a loathsome creature Halperin is.


Matt. I woke up early this morning but stayed in bed and what ever made me turn on Morning Joe, I don’t know but there was Joe defending Trump for at least raising the money for the Vets regardless of the fact that he didn’t distribute the funds until the story broke. And then his idiot sidekick Mika said, that until Hillary does the same she doesnt have the right to comment after all she raised money for Clinton’s Global Initiative. Despite the bias of the show by the hosts, how does that show stay on the air. People sitting around being “yes” men to Joe and Mika. Joe must be doing Phil Griffin.


Great quote. But Yamamoto, not Hirohito :slight_smile:


I just posted something below about how bad this show is.

Here’s a link to the story on the ABC news website: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/contentious-exchanges-donald-trumps-news-conference/story?id=39505868

He’s like some coddled little brat that never learned to share, take criticism or play nice, who grew up and predictably turned into the biggest insufferable asshole imaginable. And then somehow got his own show on a right-wing propaganda network where he was given full control of his guest’s mic.

That visceral reaction you have to Sean Hannity is just your humanity kicking in.


My personal bugaboo here - he’s not a liar (or not merely a liar), he is a bullshitter. A liar has an intimate relationship with the truth, he needs to know the truth in order to construct a lie. A bullshitter doesn’t care about the truth, only manipulating his audience. So if the truth will do that fine, if not, he can make something up to serve his needs and it doesn’t need to acknowledge any truth, or anything real.


Oops! My bad - history was never my strength…

You flatter Halperin unnecessarily.


Later in the interview, Hannity assured Trump that he would be voting for him.

A proper news network would have suspended him over this comment. However its Fox News, so the suspension rate is very low.

“What? Do they think you need the money? You’re gonna steal it?” Hannity asked before parroting Trump’s explanation that he was delayed in passing along all of the money raised while vetting veterans groups.

Sean should have took yesterday off.

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It is difficult for me to identify my favorite line about Trump. There have been so very many posted on this site. Great stuff! And I love Jeb Bush’s observation, “The guy needs therapy.” Some former NYC employee had a wonderful line: “I wouldn’t believe a word Trump said even if he had his tongue notarized.”
But I think the best comes from the writer Mark Singer. I really love this quote: “He has aspired to and achieved the ultimate luxury- an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.”


He should know. The conservative movement killed it.

That was the plan.


Hey ! — Don’t give me any shit ! —

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That’s pathetic. But it’s the best they can do. You can’t acknowledge the main, obvious point or deal more generally with reality and be a so-called “conservative” any more.