Discussion: SD Deputy Fired Minute After Defeating Boss In Election Offered Temporary Job

Speaking of petty assholes … is Gramkow going to work for the Dumpster Fire in DC?


Did he grift enough for a nice long vacation?

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County sheriffs appear to all run fiefdoms in what is otherwise ostensibly a democracy. Having lived under Arpaio for an interminable amount of time, I can’t believe we don’t see more headlines about these guys - many of them are like mob bosses.


Would you complain loudly and publicly about your local mob boss?


Gramkow says he has no regrets.

Of course not. Cops don’t have to play be the same rules as decent people. That’s what it means to have power.

Lenny Gramkow, folks! Whiny’s latest lawyer!

I’m not from South Dakota but I know certain things about the people there. There are less than 7,000 people in Bon Homme county, in other words, it’s pretty rural and most everybody knows everybody else. Lenny didn’t even get a third of the voters.

Twenty-seven percent, That’s all he got. Jesus Whirling Christ. Those are ‘I didn’t campaign’ numbers.

Maggs didn’t just beat Gramkow, he EVISERATED him, 878 to 331. In a county where the population is this small, this is an ENORMOUS fuck you! to Lenny.

Plus, this kind of mean, petty shit does NOT go over well in rural settings, particularly one like the Dakotas, where great importance is placed on being nice or a good sport. I don’t think I can overemphasize how important it is.


“During the last five years (Maggs was with the department), I was always there for him,” the sheriff said. “I was going to run for one more term and then hand it over to him. But he didn’t want to wait.”

WOW! Talk about entitlement! This guy actually believed that an elected position was not only his, but something he could hand off to another person whenever he felt like it. Let’s hope the next chapter of his life does not involve having any kind of power over any living creature, human or otherwise…


It’s time to purge law enforcement nationwide.