Discussion: ‘Scumbags’: Conservative Super-Lawyer Blasts Schiff, Media Over NRA-Russia Story

What, I’m supposed to believe the NRA, which lines its pockets by promoting and selling guns whose purpose is killing humans and is okay with schoolchildren being slaughtered time and again, is just too moral to accept $$ from russkies or anyone else? Sure, I can jump that shark.

Thoughts and prayers to miz Mitchell on her Not Me! Blame Tour.


Nothing suspicious about that response! No sir!


Whenever I see a McClatchy byline, I pay attention. They don’t get nearly the press (ha! see what I did there?!) as the networks, CNN, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, etc., but they are pretty uniformly excellent. Meticulous, one might say.


A lot of energy (hot air) in her denial! For not being involved since 2012 she sure knows a lot about the 2016 elections.


They just can’t quit the abusive, puerile name-calling, can they? A hallmark of this adminstration and its minions.


Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!


OMFG! You can’t make this stuff up!

Her name is actually “Cleta” DEATHRAGE ’DEATHeRAGE!' Mitchell"!!!

That’s it, there’s no other explanation - we’ve actually crossed over to an ALT-Reality plane and are living in an ALT-Reality TV show. I just hope that when it gets cancelled, there’s some way to get us back home. (I just tried clicking my heals together three times, but nothing happened… :frowning: )

(EDIT TO CORRECT: Yeah. Yeah, I missed an “E”, but it’s still pretty good…)


How about this part: “this only underscores how there is nothing NOTHING to this entire Russia collusion story,” Mitchell added. “It is a complete fabrication by the left and their supplicants in the liberal media.”

This didn’t alert you to a certain, shall we say, bias?

At this point, anyone who says the Russian collusion is a complete fabrication is either lying, or crazy, or stupid. Which is to say, Republican.


Really smart to call people with the power to subpoena you to testify under oath, “Scumbags all.”


Wait for it. Kansas will sneak up on you, and the next thing you know you’re wondering why the hell 9 year old kids need to learn to read anyway.


Do you suppose she’s got a Spuckler or two in her family tree?


The only things missing are the ubiquitous “…as far as I know” and “…to the best of my knowledge”.


Basically all true.

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From the article:

In a Friday email to TPM, Cleta Mitchell, a longtime conservative lawyer and former NRA board member, came out swinging against McClatchy’s report that congressional investigators have learned she worried about the Russian links.

From the cited McClatchy report:

Congressional investigators are examining information that a longtime attorney for the National Rifle Association had concerns about the group’s ties to Russia and its possible involvement in channeling Russian funds into the 2016 elections to help Donald Trump, two sources familiar with the matter say.

It’s not clear who those “two sources” are but it is clear that Mitchell disagrees with them.

In the minority report, Schiff et al. mention Mitchell on a list of witnesses they say should be interviewed:

and re Mitchell herself:


Mitchell, a veteran conservative election lawyer who played a key role in stoking the IRS “scandal” under the Obama administration…

Scumbags? Honey, look in the mirror.

Methinks she doth protest too much. Hmmm.



“In 1984, Cleta Deatherage married Dale Mitchell, who was the son of all-star Brooklyn Dodgers left-fielder Dale Mitchell. In the early 1980s, the FBI began investigating Dale Mitchell for banking malpractice,[8] and in 1992 he was convicted of five felony counts of conspiracy to defraud, misapplying bank funds and making false statements to banks, and ordered to pay $3 million in restitution.[9] According to Mitchell, this is what convinced her that government had grown too big”

Yeah, gov’t is too big because my criminal family member got caught, tried and convicted. One might wonder how much of a role she played in those crimes and whether it was a practice run for helping the NRA with Russian money.

Stick her ass in a seat under oath and she’ll be singing a different tune. I guarantee it.


Not too bright for a “super lawyer” is she…


And also a clear sign of guilt.


Has had zero involvement with the NRA since 2012, but is 100% certain that they didn’t take any Russian money in 2016.

This is the sort of steel-trap legal mind that makes up the conservative movement’s brain trust.


Yeah, and then I’d realize that I’d lost the right to vote! :frowning:

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