Discussion for article #242600
Oh, here we go again: another parade of pious frauds who have no problem forcing taxpayers to pick up the bill so long as what issue they picked from the buffet line is given special treatment. Little Scammers of the Poor is more like it.
In other words, these religious institutions are claiming that they should be allowed the right to actively interfere with their employees obtaining contraception coverage from other sources by remaining silent and hiding from the federal government.
Here’s hoping the improving economy makes it easier for employees of those places to find better options elsewhere.
At least one, and probably two, of the votes that decided that this case was one of the seventy to eighty out of the ten thousand cert petitions filed this year that was worthy of being heard, were appointees of George W. Bush.
Thanks again, Ralph. Not a dime’s worth of difference.
Oh for christ sakes, it’s the 21st century!
Get on board for women’s health care, (that includes birth control) or go away!
one more thing, NO more tax exemption status for any religious organization, period!
You want to dictate your religion, then pay your taxes like the rest of us! I am sick onto death subsidizing “religion”.
The Supreme Court of the United States = The Best Reason Ever to Get Your Ass Out There and Vote.
Sounds like a certain group of Christians aren’t rendering unto Ceasar.
This is the part I don’t get:
Employees may choose to purchase contraceptives, and to pay for these contraceptives using money earned from their work for these religious groups. Are the groups complicit in these cases, too, and if so, is that the next case that will come to court?
To the case at hand: the group is not offering, making available, or in any other way facilitating contraceptive coverage: Obamacare is. These religious groups do not have a right to prevent the government from offering, or to prevent their employees from accepting, something the groups themselves do not.
If one of these hypocritical scumbags would file a lawsuit about being forced to violate their conscience by paying taxes to support capital punishment or war, I would maybe give them a pass on this. But they don’t, so boo effing hoo.
And when the “Little Sisters Of The Poor” vote they always vote for the “family values” party. You know, they one who loves to fuck over the poor.
Fucking over the poor is part of their business model.