Discussion: SCOTUS Gives Possible GOP Senate A Huge Weapon Against Obama

Discussion for article #224400

They were doing it from the minority, so why would they not do it if they were the majority. Just wondering. Apparently the majority party does not have to do it.

Just sort of an example of how the GOP does not care much about Constitutional powers, unless it suits them.


“In effect, this means a hypothetical GOP majority leader could make every recess, including holidays and the summer break, a pro forma session.”

A GOP Senate gaveling every vacation into a working session would be pretty ironic, considering the GOP House already gavels every working session into a vacation.


Love how basically the whole pretense of governing has completely dropped away and all three branches are simply engaged in an epic partisan struggle.


Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!


The Supreme Court, unanimously, upheld the Constitution Of The United States Of America which Obama has repeatedly abused. SCOTUS didn’t give a thing to Republicans that isn’t right there in the Constitution to begin with. It merely told President Obama that as a Country we do have laws that even he MUST respect!

And I presume you were equally outraged over Bush’s more frequent such abuses. Clown.



All the ruling really did was say that pro forma sessions constitute being in session.

President Obama has not ever abused the US Constitution, and you cannot provide any empirical evidence that he has done.

You’re still grasping at straw, and you’re still lying.


The hyperbolic headline and the breathless tone of the article belong at Breitbart, or maybe at FoxNews.

Seriously, Josh—I’m beginning to regret signing up for Prime.


Sahil Kapur is the reason I haven’t signed up for Prime.


I don’t even know why I bother, it’s a lost cause…but need I remind anyone, this is a prime reason to get people out to phuggin’ VOTE?!?


Hand-wringing and wailing is not going to defeat Mitch McConnell and the Republicans.

Voting is. I am satisfied that most posting here are aware of this and, judging by the responses I have seen for this article, I am more heartened that, yes, Democrats will retain the Senate.

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So SCOTUS unanimously gave credence to the sham sessions specifically created to prevent POTUS from recess appointments? I’m really disappointed. Shouldn’t the requirement be that the Senate at least take up the business of appointments if they’re to stop recess appointments?

But if Republicans win the majority, the Supreme Court will have given them the power to grind Obama nominees to a dead stop, should they choose to use it.

Saying that they will absolutely use it seems like stating the obvious.

No, they’re too young to remember that…

If the point is that Republican control of the Senate will cause the government to completely grind to a halt, well, yes, I think we all expect that.

They might as well just turn off the electricity in the Capitol building, lock the doors, and all go home (except that then Obama would have a field day with recess appointments, of course)…

Please give examples.

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Examples please.

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Emile: I hope you’re right. Jeez, I hope you’re right.

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To call you a moron is an insult to morons everywhere.

You want a country with laws? Go find one; go on, leave. No one will miss your sorry ass. No. One.