Discussion: Scott Walker's Dem Challenger's Jobs Plan Has Copied Portions From Other Candidates

Discussion for article #227868

It’s like they have Homer Simpson as a campaign staffer.

Staffer : Hmmm… I’ll just cut and paste this thing from another web site. No one will notice. It’s just a campaign web site, and no one scrutinizes those.

Press : Plagiarized!

Staffer (and candidate) : D’oh!


“Zepecki said also said that the lifted paragraphs were not plagiarism because Schnurer himself wrote them for the other candidates.”

Seems like a pretty valid defense to me.

Edit: When I copied the sentence I didn’t notice the “said also said”. Kids, this is another reason why copy-and-past writing is a bad idea.


Not good.
And I really hate when they blame “staffers”.

This isn’t journalism. I see no problem that she is lifting policy positions that she agrees with.


Burke stole some words. Walker stole people’s future.


Hmmm…ET…i will have to agree with your here.



Is it possible to steal from yourself? The writer simply used the same generic paragraphs (that he’d written himself) in various campaign literature for different candidates.

If this is the new standard for plagiarism – never being able to repeat one’s own words – all writers are suspect.


If her staff were plagiarizing the wiki-waka for her speeches, that is something else. But a policy position? Anyway, it was the intern’s fault.


So our country’s media has been reduced to text search & compare to see if people copy lines that were already written … Good Lord.

Why would a candidate’s plan have to be completely original and NOT copied from previous ideas?

I’m pretty sure most Republican candidates’ plans are lifted directly from ALEC papers.


Goddamned Interns…fetch coffee, prepare website content…

Is the source material copyrighted? These are policies, to the same extent the ACA was modeled after Romneycare. Even if some of the language is the same, it’s not like a speech (which Rand copies from wikipedia). Big deal over nothing, seems to me, but the proof will be in the response.

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IOKIYAR, biatch!

How can Burke have plagiarized the plan if she isn’t the writer? Who apparently did nothing worse than reusing some boilerplate text he wrote for other campaigns. Which, actually would be easy to do unconsciously. We tend to stick to our own styles through habit.

The headline makes it like she’s the plagiarizer, rather than the victim of one.

Which is exactly how the negative ads we are swamped with will misrepresent the situation.

Disgusting that TPM goes willingly along with this false meme.


So,someone besides her “Allegedly Plagiarized Parts Of Jobs Plan”?

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If this is to be the standard then anyone employing a speech writer or someone working in policy development is a plagiarist. Plagiarism is “wrongful appropriation” or passing someone else’s work off as your own. I just don’t see it, and throwing the staffer under the bus only makes the candidate look worse. They should have framed this as a sign of Walker’s desperation.


Alright, can we please stop this idiocy?

It’s a campaign platform. If it isn’t “plagiarized” from a previous candidate, it’s going to be nearly word for word from the state or national platform because there really is only so many ways one can explain the exact same crap over and over again. It isn’t really plagiarism in this case.

If this was a case where she had written a thesis or a book that ripped someone else off, that would be a problem and that would be plagiarism. This is just a ginned up scandal - and it goes both effin’ ways people. A platform is a platform. It’s a list of things they want to do and it really doesn’t matter if it’s lifted off of other people’s platforms, which are mostly written by nameless, faceless lackeys in the campaign.


Yes, but fortunately another Democrat showed a complete lack of spine. Oh well, par for the course.

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