Discussion: Scott Walker Sets July 13 Announcement Date For 2016 Run

Discussion for article #238103

And the nationā€“and the nationā€™s late-night comediansā€“wait with bated breath.


You mean weā€™re going to have to go a whole week without another Republican announcing for President?

Will America survive?


Waitā€¦he hadnā€™t already? This guy has been in turbo campaign mode for months.

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Kinda like the Pope announcing that heā€™ll celebrate Easter Mass in St. Peterā€™s Square. Yeah, who could have seen that coming?


ā€“JULY 13ā€“

I hereby officially abandon any pretense of being interested in anything about Wisconsin. So long, suckers, and thanks for letting me step all over you these last four-and-a-half years.


Announcing the date of your announcement seems odd. Especially since we got no announcement of the group formed to decide on the announcement date.

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Iā€™m anticipating some major schadenfreude when Walker inevitably crashes and burns.


Comedy gold in the offing methinks. Jon Stewartā€™s gonna regret retiring.

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Poor Jeb! The money has decided that this goggle-eyed puppet is the one whose strings they want to pull.

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Laying in pop corn now. I have some morning chores but Iā€™m seriously hitting my food market for supplies. Itā€™s a long time to the election. The derpā€™s gonna get epic.


The timingā€™s necessary for Fox to get their coverage right. You knowā€¦spellcheck is higher order tech.

Help make sure that happens - ā€œwhen Walker inevitably crashes and burns.ā€

As he ā€œintroducesā€ himself to the wider world of voters, and as ā€œnormalā€ voters (as in not political junkies) begin to pay attention, watch Walker - (Mr. Extremist; donā€™t forget that) - reposition himself as Mr. Nice Guy Next Door. And watch the mainstream, corporate-owned media lap it up and share their gullible appreciation of him. Donā€™t let them get away with it! Walker is an Extremist, and extremely good at hiding it when it counts.


Almost like heā€™ll be able to say he won three elections in four years.

Thanks, Wisconsin!

Walker/Martinez 2016. Book it.

He stinks of corruption, so I would go with ā€˜baitedā€™ breath. :slight_smile:


Get used to it ā€¦ it will be 8 days between Walker and Kasich who will announce on the 21st.

If we survive that long ā€¦ lol

He is absolutely corrupt!


This right here is why I think the primaries are his to lose. The media will be loath to glom on to Jeb! Thereā€™s an old saying in Tennessee ā€” I know itā€™s in Texas, probably in Tennessee ā€” that says, fool me once, shame on ā€” shame on you. Fool me ā€” you canā€™t get fooled again. So I doubt they want to champion another Bush. Rubio and Walker are the only other two in the bunch I could see the media embracing. Sorry, as much as the GOP pays lip service, i donā€™t think they would seriously consider a Cuban as their nominee. Takes away a key base rallying point: fuck the browns! And frankly, I can already see Chuck Todd knob-gobbling Walker.

Walkerā€™s the guy.

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With Christie and Piyush having announced, Walker will be the third very unpopular governor of his state to enter, and none of them understand they need the folks back home to help propel them. At the very least the complaint will be they donā€™t spend enough time being governor and more time being a losing candidate