Further proof the Republican Party hates America and everything it stands for, especially Christian values and democratic principles.
Walker’s office has interpreted this
to mean no election is necessary, since the two open seats were vacated
in 2017 rather than the 2018 election year. And it says holding a
special election would be impractical and costly.
stating the obvious, but this rationale makes zero sense and in a normal world, it wouldn’t have a prayer of standing up in court. Especially in light of the other special election he chose to hold. Unfortunately, in Wisconsin–after the GOP coup and takeover of the court system–politics supersede laws. I bet it is upheld.
Pssst! Hey, Scottie. It ain’t gonna work out the way you think it will. Lie/cheat/steal/delay/obfuscate all you want, people are on to your tactics, and you, sir, are on your way out!
And may I say, good riddance.
Let’s hope the good people of Wisconsin finally come to their senses and throw this bum out in November.
A democratically elected governor resists democracy?
Must be a Republican.
Walker is also refusing to explain how a recent Marquette University Law School grad (Class of 2013), whose invaluable experience includes an internship at the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum in Milwaukee, was selected as administrator of the Division of Trade and Consumer Protection. He’ll oversee three bureaus — trade practices, consumer protection, and weights and measures — with 140 employees and an annual operating budget of $14.4 million, and will make $99,590 a year.
Fun Fact: This Marco Rubio “Gay Ol’ Foam Dancin’ Days” Bobblehead can be yours from the museum’s Custom Bobblehead Store for only $119!
All additional Bobbleheads are 50% off!
He may succeed here since IIRC he’s got a ton of fellow republiscum judges on the WI state supreme court. It’s still a stupid move since strategically, if he allowed the elections now and lost, he could use the loss to galvanize his RW base to come out in November. Ah, but deep thinking was never his forte now was it? Dumb as a box of rocks, I say!
Per Wisconsin law, the governor must call a special election for any seat that becomes vacant “before the 2nd Tuesday in May in the year in which a regular election is held.”
I checked every calendar I could find. On every one - every one - December 2017 comes before the second Tuesday in May 2018.
Imagine my shock and surprise.
Republican mantra:
If you can’t win…cheat.
If the truth hurts you…lie
Wait till this idea smacks trumps brain.
what an idea he will think, just do an executive order to stop presidential elections for as long as I am alive.
Now, how to get all the credit for the great idea.
Ha… those are christian values; just ask anyone who isn’t christian.
There is no way that interpretation holds up in court. Not even in Wisconsin.
Right. This is in essence Walker’s “argument”. The law says before May in the year of a scheduled election. Since it occurred prior to that, in the previous year, it doesn’t apply.
The absolutely clear intent of the law is there must be a special election unless less than six months remain in the term. Walker’s interpretation, besides its obvious partisan intent is an insult to common sense.
The intent of the law is have representation for voters of the district, not to create a narrow “window” in which special elections are allowed.
Unless the courts are hopelessly stacked, Holder should win this in a walk.
Walker’s a bigger liar and fraud than the average Rumpublican. Wisconsin just had a bullshit special election for state supreme court justice. There’s no reason the legislators couldn’t have been on there too.
This is NOT what democracy looks like. Conservatives don’t believe in democracy.
I think this proves Republican governors are just running scared.
translation: Russians told me they needed a bit more time to finish their hack of our voting machines.
And just for a nanosecond (which it is all it would take) imagine if there was a (D) behind any of those names.refusing to hold elections
The world would stop rotating on it’s axis
And rightly so. Republicans are getting their asses handed to them in, even in red districts, at an alarming rate in special elections.
Traditionally, that should never happen. Because special elections are usually low turn out affairs, which favors republicans (especially in districts that they have held for many years). But they are flipping left and right to Dem. It has the GOP extremely scared.
I would be rather surprised if even a republican court ruled in his favor on this one. It’s fairly straight forward language that doesn’t have any grey. He pretty much blew his cover by calling for one that favored republicans. There is no reading of the law that can interpret it as “Governor gets to pick and chose elections”.
And a sure fire way to make a wave election even bigger? Telling those voters they can’t vote before then.