Discussion for article #231023
Adelson would not approve. May as well give up 2016 now.
Gotta give the guy points for trying. Clippy has been gone for some time, thankfully, but it might well have been autocorrect – I’ve seen it do stranger things. Walker might have written it as one word and slightly misspelled it, and that could be enough to have autocorrect change it to “Molotov.”
The Governor then offered his constituent a repast of Bris and crackers.
Goy vey!
Thanks, I’ll be here all week, and remember to tip your bartenders.
Agreed. Its also possible that Walker had not a clue how the actual phrase was spelled and when auto correct came up with Molotov he thought…“huh…that’s an odd spelling. Oh well, I am not Jewish, so I guess that’s it”
Still, with these people you never know. Maybe he does want to throw bottles filled with gasoline at them.
Aha! This story is the last data point I needed to construct a grand unified theory and model of the universe.
I am now omniscient.
Thanks TPM.
It’s just autofill nonsense. I remember back in the late 1990s when MS Word would highlight the word “Internet” and ask if I meant “internment.”
Given how much time some people spend on the internet (myself included), that may have been prescient, not autofill nonsense
Then he offered his Jewish constituent a Mazeltov cocktail.
Mrs. Malaprop is alive! Alive!
Happy Hasselhoff everyone!
What? Walker meant to write “mazel tov” and didn’t intend to wish good tidings of fire bombings? huh
Maybe I’m just tired, but I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t have been correct even had he actually written “mazel tov.”
Walker is da bomb!
and then there is the fact that Walker is a college drop out. While there are plenty of intelligent, informed folks without college degrees, Walker has never impressed me as that kind of man.
Hey guys, I just checked the kerning. There’s NO WAY auto-correct did this. Having researched this extensively over the last minute, I discovered that my iPhone auto-correct changed Mazel Tov into Axel Lock, NOT Molotov. And Microsoft Word didn’t correct it at all!!
This can mean only two things: Either Scott Walker made a Freudian slip to alert us that he’s a terrorist who hates Jews, or he’s covering something up. I’ll keep you guys updated as I breathlessly research this further. This is just the break we were waiting for. Think this thing’s going to be big!
It does read weird. But who cares (its all code anyway that we don’t expect the goyim to understand). Although you’d think anything you write down should be correct.
He should have consulted one of his Jewish friends. He does have one, right?
But did you try Mazeltov as one word? Which is what I suspect somebody like Walker would do.
FYI…on here it gives me maltose…which apparently is some sort of enzyme.