Discussion: Scott Walker Once Touted Work Pushing For Tighter Gun Laws

Discussion for article #235222

Walker noted in a speech at the NRA's Annual meeting on Friday that he currently has an A+ rating from the NRA.

In a sane world, this would be a cause for disqualification.


There will be more of these contradictions coming out. The right wingers will find a way to justify them, but they will prove that Walker is a man with no real values or positions or soul. He is simply a bought and paid-for puppet of the highest bidder.


Can’t blame him - that was before he was on the Koch brothers’ payroll.


And with the current Republican base, this mean’s he’s a socialist and communist, hates Jesus, and pals around with terrorists. I’m sure they’ll forgive him though once he can prove he hates women and poor people.


Just shows you how craven the NRA is. They don’t invite Rand, who is a true believer, but invite the establishment guy.


The NRA doesn’t give a shit about inconsistencies in Walker’s history or background on guns. As long as he’s a Republican toady that’s reformed his ways and admitted his ‘sins’, that’s all they care about. Now, if he was a Democratic candidate, with the exact same background, it would disqualify that person from their support. That’s because the NRA is a Republican-run operation, intended to support whatever shill is ready to go to bat for them, and provide whatever awful intimidation efforts the gun industry has at its disposal…Joe Manchin and a few others perhaps being the exception to the rule.

Added: Now get outside people and enjoy the day…Its nice all around the country today for the most part. Plan those gardens, get your bike out, wash the car, turn over some dirt and get your hands dirty…Fuck politics.


Ruh Roh. GNINO.(Gun Nut In Name Only)


…But now he supports voter ID laws that bar student IDs while allowing concealed carry IDs to vote so all’s good.


But clearly there are a LOT of insane ammosexuals.

…And fearful people buy more guns. Allowing felons to buy guns sells more guns in two ways. First, the felons who buy them. Second, the non felons the NRA scares into arming themselves to the teeth because more dangerous people have guns.


Your post reminds me of a TV show:

This shows a bunch of toothless vigilante types stumbling around in the mountains and armed with large caliber guns, usually at night. And they’re looking for Bigfoot. Likely they’ll shoot each other or some innocent hiker who has camped for the night. They look like this guy:

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Well, at least the college dropout can get a decent grade in NRA 101: Institutionalized Mayhem: The Problem of Whiteness.


I don’t think that the Kochs are down with the NRA message of overarming every American good guy and gal. That puts too many weapons in the hands of the hoi polloi, who may revolt against their John Galtish overlords! The SCOTUS record on gun laws is a tell.

Not for nothing did Ayn Rand posit the only legitimate purpose of government was to provide police forces and a military.

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Not surprising. Mitch McConnell used to support some gun control measures, particularly after the devastating Standard Gravure mass shooting. I was recently looking up old articles related to that shooting and it’s just amazing how different Republicans were just 25 years ago. Hell, it’s amazing how different they were just seven years ago.


I don’t think that the Koch brothers are NRA types, per se; they just find that template of anti-government and pro-gun agitation to be useful to their overall purposes.

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So, does this mean that his position has “evolved”? Maybe now he can answer that question as to whether he believes in evolution or not.


“…Walker pushed through two measures to tighten gun laws…”

It boils down to tightening gun laws and begging for $20 donations from a grateful public, or loosening gun laws and cashing a single big-donor check.

Republicans go for the easy money every time. That’s why the United States government is the #1 employer of choice for Republicans.

And how exactly does a gun shop determine whether someone has such a history? Perhaps with universal background checks? Does Walker suddenly oppose these now?