Discussion: Scott Walker Five Points

Discussion for article #236772

Originally, its primary purpose was to give out loans to private Wisconsin companies.

Why do “small government” Republicans hate free enterprise so much? Why can’t these companies make it on their own?


Walker and Republicans believe government cannot create jobs. True to form, WEDC did not create jobs. What WEDC did do is channel taxpayer money to Walker’s donors. Worse, there is no accountability to pay back any loans. Simply bald-faced corruption.


Crony Capitalism comes to bite little Scotty on the butt? You built this WISCONSIN.


The unemployment rate drops because people are leaving the state. From the massive, massive public sector jobs that have been cut and the near negative private sector job growth, people have decided that Mississippi with snow ain’t for them.


WEDC’s a pay for play boondoggle.

Maybe the laws have changed on how large a contribution is legal, but the return favor thing remains quite illegal in every instance.

Compared to Don Siegelman’s “crimes”, Walker’s malfeasance is on steroids.

But Walker’s got that old and reliable political problem called hubris, no doubt he feels quite protected because he’s the sweetheart of one of those Neoroyal Dueling Brothers, the Kochs.

But like so many historical references, that safety net is about as reliable as the Wisconsin weather. Royal patronage can be a two-edged sword.

If Walker gets caught with dirt on his hands, the Kochs and all those ALEC lobbyists will wash their own of him.

Christie knows how it feels.


“…that would have exempted the WEDC from an open-records law.”

…anyone else get a whole line of red flags popping up at that little tidbit?
It sure set my tinfoil deerstalker atinglin’.


This is just more “Trickle-Down” economics (also known as “Golden Shower” economics). If you give more taxpayer money to the rich, we’ll all get rich because they’ll create jobs, jobs, jobs. Actually they don’t. Instead they ship the additional money to Switzerland or the Cayman Islands and use it to keep score.


Pssssst! Kasich has the same ‘agency’ problem he called JobsOhio…called RobsOhio by Ohioans.


I read the WEDC is total graft. Donate to Walkers campaign you get a grant. Its that simple. No oversight, no rules,no regulation. No one checks to make sure you are actually creating jobs in Wisconsin with the money.


It’s the conservative way!


Conservatives LOVE their politicians to be involved in messes. Since it’s the Liberal Media Mafia that is reporting on the mess the whole story is suspect anyway, and their guy earns a badge of honor for being singled out for persecution for false reasons. Plus their guy is now a “Battler” against evil doers determined to stop him from rescuing America from the dark forces of Democratic rule. Also, it’s only the politicians that get their hands dirty, that dive into the ugly, contentious muck of governing that affect change. Their guy is just doing what had to be done to look out for the little guy and stave off the anti-Christian, Muslim, atheistic, liberal, rules & regulations, tax & spend crazy hordes determined to sink the country. See, all this is to Walker’s advantage. It’s a good thing.


Snotty walker is a crook, liar, cheat and a kock owned shill…enough said said…


Yes, I’ve had to explain to more than one RWNJ that a thousand people buying new stoves creates jobs, but one person buying a diamond necklace does not. Spending by the wealthy is too narrowly-focused to do much good for the economy.¹ And the wealthy don’t start businesses just because they have extra cash, in the absence of actual customer demand.

(¹ In the same vein, it’s interesting to look at the difference between defense spending during WWII vs. defense spending today. Broad-based industrial spending by the Government - all of it deficit spending, I hasten to add - essentially put an end to The Great Depression. Modern defense spending mostly goes to very costly high-tech gear, and doesn’t have quite the same salubrious effect on the overall economy.)


It’s clear that Walker has been holding back his state’s growth and hampering the economic recovery there. Graft. bribery and racketeering now rule in Wisconsin. When a politician institutionalizes crony, insider corruption and names himself the chairman of the new government agency that insures it, he can’t just walk away from it by stepping down. It’s his creation and his legacy.

The WEDC is a Shrine to Crony Capitalism and Favoritism which Walker built. Rick Perry is going to wipe up the floor with this guy in the primary debates. You can also bet Chris Christie is going to use the WEDC as a way to deflect from his own political corruption. It might end up being a tag team take down of Walker.

The Koch Brothers really shouldn’t have been so obvious in how they operated in WI and chosen a much more personally appealing candidate. Walker looks and acts just like Richard Nixon.


The lobster industry however is very grateful for the success they’re having due to the loyal patronage of food stamp recipients. Sean Hannity did a “Special Report!!” on it last week. And the week before. More at 11.


I wild take a wild guess and say he was the chief architect of this mess…?


Growing up middle class, I never ate my first lobster tail till I was in my late 30s. Poor people have never tasted it. Why do conservatives like Hannity continually show their stupidity by making such outrageous claims that can be so easily debunked by the personal experiences of the Silent Majority?

This Bush Great Depression and Economic Meltdown of 2008 has more people eating hot dogs and beans than ever before. Has Hannity even noticed that the price of steak is getting beyond the reach of most Americans? Saying that those on welfare are eating lobster is ridiculous.


It’s also spent overseas where most of the parts and assembly is done.

Till other GOP contenders use it against him to deflect from their own messes.