Discussion: Scott Walker Blames State GOP For Attacks On His Opponent's Wealth

Discussion for article #226058

He’s muddying the water as he HAS attacked her for her money.



Scott Walker is a lying sack of shit.


Soon Walker will be blaming the Wisconsin Republican Party for failing to create 250,000 jobs during his first time. Those darn Republicans!


You flatter him unnecessarily.


The real problem is that most people truly have no clue as to how government works - there are millions of people who could vote, don’t vote, and would vote democratic if they did the slightest amount of research. But they don’t even know there’s a “house” and a “senate” - they didn’t take civics - they’re just trying to get from one meal to the next - many don’t vote in presidential elections but a very significant number ONLY vote in presidential elections because the media buzz is so suffocating that they can’t help but hear about and get a stake in the presidency. People DO know who the president is - that’s why they ask you that after you have a concussion. But that’s ALL they know.

I say all this to make my point that the democratic party is completely brain-dead in their strategy. Unless they do something so dramatic and outrageous that it cuts through all levels of media and street corner conversation - unless they do that, they lose. Period. Nothing else matters. They need to write a bill that increases the minimum wage to something outrageous - $18/hr - and PROMISE to pass it on day 1 - publish the bill in the newspaper - something that will have people screaming all over the country - it doesn’t have to be that but it has to be something that sucks all the oxygen out of the room and gets the attention of the people who never vote in midterms AND the people who never vote period. If every single eligible person voted, the dems would win about 380 seats of congress and sweep the electoral college.

He’s the 1%. He’s the 99%. He’s the 1%.

He’s a freakin’ yo-yo.

Gotta love the latest Walker commercial. It blames Mary Burke for the 2008 Stock Market Crash.