Discussion: Scott Brown Wants To Support Medicaid Expansion Without Saying So, Apparently

Discussion for article #222572

If New Hampshire elects this cretin they are really dumb…


“You can incorporate any of the considerations for those people on Medicaid expansion into a plan that works for us,”

He should use that answer for every question regardless of the topic.


We’ve seen this before. Pleasing the base while trying to sway the moderates at the same time. Don’t fall for it, NH!

Brownie’s been playing fast and loose with this question ever since he first started dropping hints about facing Shaheen. Trust me, his bullshit will not go over as well with NH independents as it did MA independents.

Believe me, people in NH know what happened in '12. They Scottie coming this time, and Shaheen is going to chop him down like a tree.


Head up his ass?

Keep in mind this IS New Hampshire we’re talking about. They went for Bush in 2000! Obama’s margin of victory was small there in 2012. They aren’t the brightest lot.

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I’m pretty sure, having lived in NH, that residents there are not usually that dumb; they usually would reject a candidate another bigger state already tried out for 3 years as a Senator and did not re-elect. Besides, the woman who currently holds that Senate seat in NH is a popular former Governor of a state one would have to describe as purple , (half red half blue).

“A plan that works for us.” Another example of Republican vaporware.

If it’s Brown, flush it down.


As a resident of the Granite State ain’t gonna happen.

In a world of smarmy, lying Republican shills, this guy is really doing a high wire act.

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That is an awesome post. You win the internet today sir.

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Is it just me or does this guy not seem all that smart?


What matters is how he’ll vote in the Senate. And he will vote with the crazy people.

Hey Scott - try this Admiral Stockdale line
“Who Am I? Why Am I Here?”


“Happy trails to you, Scott, until we meet again -NOT!”

Scott Brown is tactically rights. By the time he has unmistakably understood that opposition of Obamacare very likely will doom his candidacy. Because, people, except some color-blind fools, in general have already accepted it. On the other hand, if he supports it, conservative base will kick him out in the primary. But that will shatter his dream. He wants to sit in the Senate and for that he is ready to say anything now. If elected, those commitments/words/comments will be scratched/erased. Who is going to stop that? Is he not a GOP?

i.e. " I just wanna be a senator. Quit askin’ all these damned questions and vote for me!"

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