Discussion for article #226817
Trick question. Scientifically proven is different than scientifically probable. Score one for the jackass from New Massachusetts.
Science must not have been his best subject in school.
I am hereby DEMANDING that Scott Brown IMMEDIATELY release his long-form degree in climatology… Or else STFU…
Fair weather teaPub…
pissing against the wind…
Scott Brown’s dishonesty has now been scientifically proven.
What a Masshole.
Will idiots destroy this country? this world? and soon? I’m heading out to gather some rosebuds — while I may.
SCIence HAsn’t DISproven ExISTEnce of GOd. SUCK on that LIBTArds!!1!1!1!111!!!one!!!1!!!
SCIence HAsn’t DISproven ExiSTEnce of PInk UNIcorns. SUCK on that CONSErvarats.!!1!1!1!111!!!one!!!1!!!
The sad thing is that it’s not a political question. The Universe doesn’t give a rat’$ a$$ what we believe. It’ll just keep churning along regardless.
Who in the hell would ever vote for this traveling charlatan.
Hustle, my man, hustle… Hustle, may man, hustle…
Yes, there are a handful of scientists who say it’s not scientifically proven, so technically it’s not 100% proven by scientists, only 99.999999999%.
Congratulations Mr. Brown, you are now officially a conspiracy theorist.
Of course the reality is that he knows he is stating a lie. But he needs to sell himself to a group of people, so he needs to spew nonsense.
If I recall it was modeling…
Carpetbagger, Teabagger, there’s something there but I just can’t put my finger on it, hmmm…
Political climate changes even faster than mother nature or what man does to the environment. This flight from reality for perceived political advantage may give a political meaning to the scientific phenomenon of Brownian motion.
Scott Brown on Climate Change: “Bqhatevwr.”
Just another case of a candidate having to prove their bonafides to run in the Stupid Party.
Sure, but the ramifications mean a hell of a lot to the bottom line of the energy oligarchs. It’s unbelievable to think how stifled the economy solely due to climate-denial assholes; so many young people and scientists aspiring to work and support a green energy infrastructure.