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Current GOP : “The Democrats believe in science. That’s why I’m voting Tea Party.”
The hole between their butt cheecks!
It’s natural for them. Their heads have been firmly planted there for many years.
We keep seeing over and over again how the policies that came out of Bill Clinton’s Administration (Clinton…the most Republican Democrat in History) have been a disaster for the country.
We keep seeing over and over again how the policies that Jimmy Carter tried to get passed would have been the best and wisest moves for the country.
It is stupid to think we should be compromising with a right wing Republican Party and agreeing with conservative Democrats like Clinton and others. This country has gone way-way too far to the right!
Articles like this make me wonder if TPM would hire anyone of faith. I doubt Catholics would be welcomed at TPM and I don’t mean the Pelosi or Biden type. I don’t see how anyone could consider themselves Catholic when you have a 100% rating from NARAL.
“If you can get them to believe absurdities, you can get them to commit atrocities”, Voltaire.
“Ignorance is bliss.” The current GOP including its 5 political hacks on the Supreme Court.
When a woman leaves an IVF clinic, she does not go home an announce she is pregnant. She has to wait to see if the implanted egg(s) are established. So how is it that RU-486, IUDs, and other forms of contraception are falsely considered “abortifacients” by those who want to oppress women?
And speaking of IVF – what do these misinformed, willfully ignorant misogynists think happens to the fertilized eggs in those clinics, when the treatment has been successful and they are no longer needed?
How does one support IVF and not support contraception (in all forms).
[quote] … regardless of whether those beliefs are grounded in scientific fact. [/quote] Scientific Fact is totally unrelated to ANY Religion. If it was all based on facts, NO religions would exist today. For example, Christianity totally falls apart just on the “Virgin Birth” claim.
So, as far as religious beliefs are concerned, I agree that fact or fiction is not relevant.
Yep, Bill Clinton was a great President and the Democrats had a 54-45 majority when that bill when through. If you vote Democrat, quit whining about reactionary justices and go look in the mirror.
Who cares if it passed with a veto-proof majority? Her husband was president, so HRC needs to be held accountable for his actions because…reasons and things.
Good public servants understand that just because their religion requires them to believe something or do something doesn’t mean they have the right to force their religious beliefs on others through legislation. Catholic Democrats believe in giving women the freedom to decide for themselves. You nanny state Republicans want to decide for women.
Your bigotry is showing again Hugh.
Josh Marshall himself frequently discusses his Jewish faith within the confines of politics.
But Judaism doesn’t count as a ‘real faith’ then does it-- Hugh?
Sadly, there was no one involved, and I would’ve expected them to be, to file an Amicus brief in opposition to the HL position from the AMA or ACOG membership. They did as much to defeat women by their standing by and doing nothing.
If I’m wrong about this, someone please correct me, but I’ve seen nothing in the past week from either organization in support of or in opposition to this decision, either before or after the decision was handed down.
If we can’t expect the people who would help women with this issue to come forward loudly and defend the use of these drugs, then of what the h&ll use are they?
As long is the voting public demands every candidate to declare his/her “faith”, the problem will continue to exist – first amendment be damned. A Congress made up of agnostics or atheists would go a long way to righting some of the wrongs. Following the golden rule is all that is really needed.
When is the Democratic Party going to make issue of church’s tax exemption? The GOP has no compunction about going after unions…when are we going to strike back? It would be good policy, churches overwhelmingly spend money on non charitable activities, mostly political. The Mormon church is building a business empire on the backs of taxpayers who subsidize their business dealings. Oh right, that would require a fight. Nevermind.
I don’t know how anyone could call themselves ‘Christian’ when the focus of their religious life is to take the food from the mouths of poor children so as to give the proceeds to the wealthy. Please post links to everything your Messiah said about abortion here please. Moron.
"As it turns out, the justices weren’t legally required to consider the science. Quite the opposite: RFRA, a statute passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, grants special treatment under the law to religious people regardless of whether their beliefs are substantiated by evidence."
As a former research scientist it is exceedingly depressing to me to read that actual evidence does not matter to the Supreme Court Justices, to lawyers, or to Congress for that matter.
((lays-head-on-desk in frustration))
You said it before I could: These 5 cretins would have manufactured a rationale one way or another to justify their decision.
Four likes for this, they represent the Justices who voted against this misbegotten decision. Alito’s goal couldn’t be any clearer.