Discussion: Schumer Vows That Senate Dems Will Hold Trump And GOP Accountable

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I read that Schumer received more donation money from Trump than any other Senator.

“…This will be an accountability congress, and we will be a caucus that makes sure the President-elect keeps his commitment to truly make America great again in its finest sense and tradition,” Schumer said.

"Nice knife you have there, Chuck. Here, follow me, the gunfight is just down this path and around the corner. We're turning right at the bottom of the hill."

I miss Harry Reid.


Hope he’s right. But talk is cheap.


He will work with Trump to repeal Dodd Frank.

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Seeing is believing Senator.


And we’ll also hold you accountable, Senator. I’ll understand what you can and can’t do, but at least be vocal.


Chuck Schumer has so much more in common with Trump than most of the Yahoos in the Republican Party. Don’t be surprised if the Senator and MPT (Minority President Trump) make deal after deal.

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Worse, Hillary and Bill befriended trump in order to make him a donor. That’s why you see them at the over the top wedding of trump to the immigrant.

As far as Schumer and the Democratic Senate acting against trump, the head count there is 52 Rs to 46 Ds and two independents. trump’s support is wide but it is not deep, in fact it’s shallow. Rs will bail when they have to on supporting him. There’s too much cynicism going on here about what those Dems in the Senate can do. So, I’d have to say I disagree with the dire predictions.


I’m glad you do - I really am.

I tend to think things will fall somewhere in between where we think they should be and what Congress wants. I hope that Schumer can be a strong leader. Reid was constantly underestimated until his last year or so.


Trying to be optimistic in the face of a predicted shitstorm is about the best I can do for myself. And yes, things will fall somewhere in between disgusting and could have been worse.


And it’s up to Democratic voters to hold the Democrats and Schumer accountable to actually follow through on this.


That was over ten years ago. BOTH Schumer and Clinton are from New York and Trump wasn’t such a right winger back then…hell he wasn’t as full on crazy 2 YEARS ago. Hold them accountable…don’t denigrate them.

Is Schumer a foregone conclusion for minority leader? Does he have to be voted on?

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You’re forgetting the most important part, which is to support them now and during the Trump administration, if you don’t do that, you don’t earn the right to hold them accountable.


I see calling in and supporting these priorities as a form of support. Did not mean to imply otherwise.


That is precisely how I read your comment.

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May I ask…how do you KNOW that HRC and Bill Clinton befriended Trump, did so to make him a donor or went to the wedding for reasons other then courtesy?

The Clinton’s live in Chappaqua NY. Bills office is in NYC. They’re NYC types and part of the big wig scene there. It was rather common to paint HRC shrill and cold. Can you imagine what would have been done if she snubbed a fellow Gotham type? I imagine she would have preferred not to be at that wedding but decorum didn’t allow it. She was probably just being polite.

But how is this self flagellation helpful? Why not get off her back? Drop the GOP planted crap all over lib boards and hang tight with what you have?

I think we’ll see HRC a strong voice when Trump starts his Trump thing. Schumer’s a maggot that’s not going to hold anyone accountable for anything because he’s not in a position to. I’d bank on HRC, not Schumer, to lead the dissenting voice against Trump.

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