The Frankenstein Monster doesn*t give a crap .
Keep making the obvious point over and over. Gotta fight the WH’s bald-faced lies somehow.
I feel outrage. But there is no emoji for that.
I just saw that at DU as well. Esp telling is the debt level of Houston and Florida. Yet his first mention of mention of Puerto Rico, long after the storm had hit, after a weekend of twitter rages primarily aimed at the NFL - his first mention is about it’s Debt. This is a handy response for when people start repeating that line as an attempt to rationalize Trump’s egregious responses.
Per another story - Ryan claiming he sees evidence that Trump is learning about issues around race - because - well we should just believe him (Ryan). Paul - this treatment of Puerto Rico compared to Houston and Florida, man up - dude - your 'Boy’s a racist. He seems to bask in disclosing this fact to the public. Put your lipstick away. Not going to work on this particular pig.
The Senator has some pointed words for Trump, all true and very blunt. If he’s making himself a target for Trump’s ire, insinuating himself between Trump and Mayor Cruz, I find that admirable.
Mayor Cruz has endured more than enough already with the crisis in her hometown. For Trump and his fawning minions to jump on her is just pathetic bullying.
Roll up his sleeves? you mean and do some work? HAHAHAHAHe’s never done that in his life.
and a 70-year-old self-pampered pig at that.
“The bottom line is, at least for the first week and a half, the effort has been slow-footed…” [Schumer] added.
Well, what do you expect? He’s got heel spurs. Give him a break, already!
Governments, at any level, borrowing money for critical infrastructure and investment in its citizens IS A PRIMARY FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT. Like defense, which is never cheap. Defense, education, health care - these are functions that WILL NEVER be adequately addressed by capitalism, oligarchy, or authoritarianism. The earliest governments we know, in China and Egypt, evolved around the need to manage water! Big water! Flood water!
The issue is how the borrowed money is spent. Good governance focuses the money on infrastructure and investments in human capital. Bad governance focuses on shifting community resources into private pockets.
Puerto Rico’s public debt has been orchestrated by Congress to serve bad governance ends. Congress has treated Puerto Rico much like the EU has treated Greece - austerity for you, profits for me! The total collapse of the electrical grid DID NOT happen because Puerto Ricans are lazy or ungrateful, but because Wall Street told its minions in Congress that infrastructure investment was a luxury, and far below the necessity of them getting paid loan-shark interest on their private “investments”.
Oh, and if struggling Puerto Ricans or Greeks have to leave their homes and communities to stay alive? More beachfront for us!
ETA: Interest rates in the U,S, remain historically low. Meaning the productivity produced by good governance can easily cover the costs of sound investment.
“roll up his sleeves and get to work”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict a 71-year-old dotard who has never performed an honest day’s labor in his life isn’t going to “roll up his sleeves and get to work.”
donnie’s schedule is in the link …
It’s about time, Senator Schumer.
That makes my blood boil. What an uncaring POS.
Trump: What nonsense. I only wear sleeveless shirts while golfing. No Sleeves, No Sleeves, you are The Sleeves!!
Strong Editorial:
I like how Schumer stepped in here to defend Mayor Cruz of San Juan. Trump has decided to make her a political target and she shouldn’t have to fight that alone. Dems need to get in the habit of fiercely defending their own. Schumer was able to do it from a place of stature and I think it will go some way to diffusing the unnecessary political bullshit streaming from the WH and FEMA.
Debt is completely irrelevant to the fact that American lives are at stake. This is a ridiculous inappropriate response from Trump.
As for the chart, you need to normalize by population. It’s meaningless otherwise.
I’ll go even further. I seriously think Trump is ostentatiously and deliberately spending all his time either golfing or attacking people of color (NFL) while Puerto Ricans go with out food, water, power, and sanitation.
Okay Schumer is way off base. He presumes that Trump has the knowledge and skill to actually roll up his sleeves.
Melania may have to intercede and provide support in this matter.
“he’ll go Tuesday, that’s good, but two weeks — after it hit.””
And they have to make sure one of the courses in good shape. It is understandable.