Discussion: Schumer: Senate's Obamacare Repeal Bill 'Every Bit As Bad' As House Version

“There’s member after member,” Schumer said, naming Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Rand Paul (R-KY), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bob Corker (R-TN), “who repeatedly have said this process, in their words and now in mine, is unfair, is truncated and rushed. But will vote for it anyway because they’re Republicans”

FIFY Chucky…


I really don’t understand how there aren’t at least 3 Senators who recognize that this will probably cost them their seat.

I’m sure some moderate Republicans will summon the courage to vote no on this atrocity.

Ha, ha, ha, sometimes I crack myself up!


I don’t want to hear anymore “This is outrageous” or “We weren’t included” or even the “heartless” pablum! And I sure as shit don’t want to hear a single Dem in congress use the phrase “I hope…” because that means nothing.

It’s time to go big, go loud and never shut up about this bill! Resurrect the Death Panels argument but this time with real people who will die when they lose their health insurance.

KISS - Keep it simple, Senator


With the GOP, party loyalty “trumps” all. The bill is an evil trade off: the rich get tax cuts and tens of millions get stripped of health care. Yet these soulless Trump GOP scum support this bill?

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The recent map showing where TrumpDon’tCare will have the most harm needs to be posted on billboards all across the Red states, as that is where the harm will be greatest. Something has got to wake the Drumpf supporters up that Donnie is screwing them like a Russian hooker…


Death Bill!!!


What a sad time for America. Millions and millions of people are about to have their lives become demonstrably worse, and they will be the loudest cheerleaders for it.


Well placed cynicism.

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What do the GOP windsocks (aka McCain and Graham) have to say about this, other than nominating Dear Leader for the Nobel Peace prize for his stunning humanitarian efforts in pushing the Conservative Affordable Care Act (CACA) forward?

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Dems defend 25 seats in the 2018 midterms, the GOP defends 8. The GOP can afford to lose a couple seats, as it strains credulity to think the Dems run the table on their races.

and how does Schumer know that? Because HE READ THE FUCKING THING, which means he’s done more than most of the GOP has. Now get out there and start railing on the bill.


Because only eight GOP senate seats are up for grabs in 2018.

And the voters in Arizona, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming?

Well…let’s just say those eight senators aren’t exactly quaking in their Guccis.

Even (truthful) Dem messaging of “Republicans want to kill you!” can’t overcome the hatred among these voters for people of color, Muslims, immigrants, LGBTs, women, librulz, and any other form of “those people” that Frank Luntz can spoon-feed them.


Listen, Trump polls underwater in Texas. This ought to tie cement blocks to the GOPs’ ankles in Texas.

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Could we be rid of the odious Ted Cruz next year?

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Yeah we could. He’s not popular here either. He snuck in the first time - nobody knew who he was.

Now everybody does.

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After a nuclear war rats, cockroaches and Ted Cruz will emerge from the rubble to live on.

Oh, and Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich can survive a direct hit.

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Welp now that that’s been totally cleared up we can just cancel the elections next year.

The Democrats would be ecstatic if the elections for Senate were cancelled with the understanding both parties maintained their current numbers.