Schumer is great: he really knows how to hurt a guy!
Trump has no idea why he loses these showdowns. But he’ll lose this one, like the others.
Yeah, it would be a 1 -2 punch to Spankee’s ego.
This is pretty close to pitch-perfect, IMHO.
It hits one of the central Dem talking points (which happens to be the absolute truth as well), namely that the problem is that Trump and GOP are refusing to negotiate in good faith.
And at the same time it tweaks Trump’s ego, by suggesting he’s a lousy deal-maker (which he is).
Pretty, pretty, pretty good.
We know how Trump reacts whenever anyone else starts to steal his attention/magazine covers.
Like Trump she used to be a Democrat — in her case until 2010, when she officially became a Republican. Already Republican-curious before that, in 2009 she had described both herself and Sarah Palin as targets of “the cynical stalwarts of the status quo” seeking to relegate their “sense of civic responsibility to mere sideshow antics.”
For all I know she voted for Trump!
I think, to seal the deal (so to speak), Schumer should have referred to Lying Littledick as the “Cuck in Chief.”
Hilarity would ensue.
This is how it is in Chiselin’ Trump’s alternative-fact universe. When it comes to pretty women, “no” means “yes.” When it comes to government shutdown negotiations, “yes” means “no.”
Where is tRump anyhoo?
Why no tweets?
Schumer needs to invite her to the State of the Union address.
Schumer on Sunday said his accord with Trump “was only tentative, no handshakes.”
“We bumped fists, instead.”
More to the point, Schumer should invite Melania Trump.
To be fair to Daniels, I believe she switched to R for the express purpose of challenging David Vitter in primary.
Welcome to the real-life Truman Show. Its on all 5000 channels and the TV has no “Off” switch.
he …he …
Could be; as you know, the timing fits.
She never did run, of course, but the one thing I remember about her platform was her advocating the abolition of the IRS, with income taxes being replaced entirely by sales taxes — which did sound Republican to me.
Are we basically waiting around for McConnell and Ryan to stop screaming about Democrats and admit they can no longer even pretend to run the government with the orange toddler in the Oval Office?
It’s like a hyper-amplified kiddy tantrum with a full GOP chorus backing it up.
Pretty clear pouty-pants can keep throwing feces for the foreseeable future.
Just got off the phone with my daughter, who asked why Schumer seems to be the only Democrat willing to take on the president, Ryan, McConnell, and the Freedom Caucus. Where are the other Democratic leaders, she wondered? I hope they aren’t expecting Chuck Todd, Ari Melber, Don Lemon, Joy Reid, and their associates to carry their water for them. These folks get paid by networks to attract viewers, not call bullshit on our enemies (even though they have been doing a pretty good job of it lately.) But that’s not the cable news stars job; it’s the job of Democrats to back Schumer, loudly and publicly. They need to get Ted Lieu, Schiff, Harris, Gillibrand, Klobuchar, and the younger folks out there. Pelosi and Hoyer have lost their rhetorical mojo. How about clearing the bench and going with a full-court press?
As clunkertrunk referred to above (check out his link for a great pic of cringe-inducing “casual Lindsey” - baseball cap and all), it looks like the touchy-feely golf friendship may be out the window: Lindsey Graham basically just called Stephen Miller, walking, talking used condom and illegitimate son of Ann Coulter and George Lincoln Rockwell, an asshole and blamed him - by name! - for blowing up negotiations to end the shutdown. Looks like the meme of blaming the US troop-hating, murderous immigrant-loving Democrats for the shutdown has been blown up. I wonder how long it will take Trump to go after his BFF Lindsers while at the same time defending a despicable little Nazi? As the old Cosmopolitan Magazine headlines used to say, “Can this marriage be saved?”