Discussion: Schumer: 'Bipartisan Medicine' Is Needed To Fix Health Care

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Give it up chuck. The GOPers do not want bipartisan anything. McConnell hates the democrats he sees them as just obstructions to be brushed aside.


“It’s time to move one. It’s time to start over. Rather than repeating the same failed partisan process, yet again, Republicans should work together with Democrats on a bill that lowers premiums, provides long-term stability to the markets and improves our health-care system,” Schumer said

Exhibit 1 displaying that the Democrats don’t have an alternative healthcare plan that they will fight for.

Democrats should be advocating for universal health care, not this wishy-washy “lowers premiums, provides long-term stability to the markets and improves our health-care system” nonsense. Schumer sounds just like a lying Republican when he talks like that.

Democrats should start fighting for Universal Coverage and then make the Republicans fight against that.

“Lowers premiums, provides long-term stability to the markets and improves our health-care system” won’t get people out to vote. Universal Coverage will.


Forget about it. What the Republicans call bipartisanship, the rest of the world calls date rape.


The worst possibility of all for the GOP: actually having to work with the Dems. Of course Chuck knows it won’t happen, but this lets him control the narrative and call McConnell a loser who’s been left with a circus of manchildren


Yes, as long as the Republicans control the Senate, any bipartisan effort is DOA. Schumer knows this. That’s why it’s so safe to offer cooperation - he knows they’ll never actually take him up on the offer.

If the purity police think he should instead be shouting about single payer, well, they should primary him and see if the voters really have the stomach for a direct-to-single-payer replacement when we don’t even have a functioning public option. I don’t think they do, but I’ve been wrong before.

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Fight for universal (single payer) but compromise on a public option — which might/would turn into universal single payer over time.


Trump is not the only one who does not understand how our government works. The Constitution prescribes a system based on the fundamental idea of compromise. Until they learn that lesson, they will continue to fail. Schumer is correct; are are Ryan and McConnell capable of learning?

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Dear Chuck Schumer,

The Affordable Care Act WAS the bipartisan “solution” for health care. It was written by the Heritage Foundation. It was signed into law by Republican’t Mitt Rmoney in Massachusetts at the state level. Republican’ts used to love it long time, until the Black Guy in the White House signed it into law at the national level. Besides, the word Bipartisan means something completely different to Republican’ts. To them it means “Stupid Democrats cave to our bad ideas”. So please get over it and push for Single Payer Medicare for All NOW!


Ken in MN


Yes Chuck, enter a process wherein Dems can put their names on some cobbled together mess that still manages to screw over people. That’s the ticket.


Republicans in congress asked for a plan from Hillary to fix Obamacare and she did. Crickets from republicans.


Sadly, the Repulsives will probable repeal the ACA, but given their basic lack of intelligence be unable to agree on how to replace it. So it will just be a 2 year can kick. These people should be hunted and put down.

Yes yes, unicorn farts and all that jazz. Single payer isn’t happening while the GOP/Teatrolls control the House, Senate and WH, and yammering about it now isn’t going to make it or anything else happen. It does not advance the ball. All it does is provide the GOP/Teatrolls more fodder for their cultural resentment grist mill. Schumer is right on point. Offer the olive branch that you know will be slapped away anyway, and then move on to watching the GOP/Teatrolls continue to fail spectacularly at governing by themselves.

Incrementalism works. If the Dems starts blabbering about another massive “takeover” and another total overhaul of the entire industry, then all anyone is going to hear is “massive overhaul on the right, massive overhaul on the left, massive uncertainty and fear no matter what.” People want stability, certainty and a rest right now, not more unpredictable upheaval, and the best play for now is for the Dems to be seen as the ones trying to provide that. It will earn trust and make it easier to get folks to go along with changes towards single payer as they become possible to achieve.

Have people learned nothing since 2008? I seriously don’t know why we have to keep having this conversation. We implemented what was largely the GOP’s plan from the fucking 90’s…at least some of the rudiments of it…and they still went BATSHIT. FUCKING. CRAZY. FOR. A. DECADE. because of it. We may not see single-payer in our lifetimes. Get used to it. Not every pass can be an 80 yard TD.


Gee Chuck. Did you know there is a WORD for that?

A proposal that treats EVERYBODY the same and guarantees coverage and affordability?

It’s called: SINGLE-PAYER.


Yes yes, unicorn farts and all that jazz. Single payer isn’t happening while the GOP/Teatrolls control the House, Senate and WH, and yammering about it now isn’t going to make it or anything else happen. It does not advance the ball. All it does is provide the GOP/Teatrolls more fodder for their cultural resentment grist mill. Schumer is right on point. Offer the olive branch that you know will be slapped away anyway, and then move on to watching the GOP/Teatrolls continue to fail spectacularly at governing by themselves.

Currently, we are at the “never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” stage of Trumpcare. Why you’d offer them a fresh new talking point to bash when the focus should be on the fact that THEY HAVE NO IDEAS and THEY CAN’T PASS ANYTHING is completely baffling to me.


This, 100%. Now is the time for a sober, serious plan to rebalance the ACA. The time for bold ideas for the future is the next election campaign.


Senator Schumer is trolling the Trump GOP. He knows they won’t seriously want it make the ACA work better. He’s setting them up.

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I agree. This is basically trolling. McConnell will not work with Dems on this, and no Dem is going to vote for repeal and delay, but it could weaken some moderate R’s to hear that the Dems might be willing to deal on something more palatable to their constituents. Not a bad tactic right now, much as I think the strategy should be gradually dropping the Medicare eligibility age until we get to single payer.

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Then tell me how the message “lowers premiums, provides long-term stability to the markets and improves our health-care system” is ANY DIFFERENT than the nonsense that the Republicans are spouting?

It isn’t. It is the same freaking message that the Republicans use in their lies.

The current Obamacare leaves 27 million uninsured and will cause 320,000 unnecessary deaths over the next 10 years. We need Universal Healthcare, not bi-partisan bandaids. People understand Universal Healthcare and will vote for it. It is popular!

Elizabeth Warren gets it. Chuck Schumer does not.

Jay Bookman wrote an excellent column on Republican uni-partisanship yesterday. http://jaybookman.blog.myajc.com/2017/07/17/opinion-our-compromise-machine-is-busted/

As Sen. Chris Murphy said on MSNBC last night: The irony is that it would be good politics for the GOP to bargain with the Democrats, and (as comments here demonstrate) would put Democrats in an awkward spot.

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