McCain has to be just about out of fucks to give at this point in his life.
Trumpian Twitter-Tantrum coming in 3…2…1…
What have we come to that it takes “courage” to be against a despicable, deplorable and deadly piece of legislation?
This really was the only path McCain could take after the last time, if he supported this bill then his legacy would have been trampled and he cares a great deal about that. Which is understandable, it’s likely he will be dead in a year, the cancer he has can be very aggressive and brain cancer is the worst. If he spends his last year trying to get the Republicans to come back to some measure of sanity then he will earn that legacy, and his reputation gives him a chance to make that push work.
Sigh. When everyone else in the Party is a corrupt Koch-whore or racist or both, it’s not hard to look good.
Republicans have put party over country for a long time, to the point that it almost feels like the Mafia, and crossing the party has big consequences for a politician. The Democrats have some of this too (the Bernie supporters are trying to push things more that way sadly), but nothing like what the Republicans do. McCain is in a unique position, he can do the right thing without consequences, because he’s not going to face another election no matter what happens. Maybe he really means to chart a path that brings the Senate back to sanity…he’ll have to do something about McConnell to make that stick though.
… if by “fucks to give” you means “republican primaries to run in” then yes.
Cue Kelli Ward demanding his resignation.
And the use of the word “Courage” seems wildly inappropriate. “Integrity,” maybe, but not courage.
Darned reasonable democrats. Spoiling the bloodthirsty ghoulish narrative spun by the Gingrichian caste.
Naw, He will wait to ass up in Alabama tonight
is this what its come down to ? common decency is considered courage?
Damn McCain you’re doing it again. And this time it was Ms Lindsey’s bill, which I was sure would make you support it.
Thanks, Senator.
Come on guys. Schumer is doing an amazing job despite the absolutely shitty hand he has. And part of that is cajoling otherwise wavering congresspeople to do the right thing.
If given a choice between undeserved ego stroking and millions of people losing healthcare I will choose undeserved ego stroking every time.
It was pretty obvious Schumer has been schmoozing McCain hard ever since he had the entire Democratic Congress quieten down when McCain cast his famous Nay vote.
I don’t give 2 fucks about how much we have to say McCain is an awesome guy if it prevents millions of people being worse off.
I think Schumer and Pelosi have been doing an amazing job considering how little formal power they have, keeping their caucuses in line and cajoling just enough Republicans to do the right thing (McCain and Trump as well). Frankly considering the only tool they have is whispering sweet nothings thanks to the elections I say let them go to town lionizing the most banal actions by these guys.
Yes he is. He really is. I"m so impressed with Chuck. And I’m convinced there isn’t much that Nancy Pelosi can’t get done.
Chuck does well as Minority Leader. As sceptical as i was of him when he took the job, I had the wrong framing.
I was thinking in the context of Majority leader. As a left-er leaning guy, I anticipated being frustrated by him.
[quote=“jonney_5, post:18, topic:62675”]
I anticipated being frustrated by him.
I expected that myself but he’s surpassed every expectation I had.
Pelosi has been showing how badass she is since 200areAs highly rated as she is she is still underrated in my opinion. What a tremendous person. I can’t imagine the amount of BS she has faced over the past decade from both the right and left and just basically delivered the best she could every time.
I don’t want to jinx Schumer but I was worried after Reid stepped down and Schumer has been tremendous very quickly. Having Trump elected was a disaster and a massive surprise. What a situation to find youfself just as you start your new job. And Schumer has handled it better than I would have thought possible so far. I know the purists will hate that Trump likes him more than he does McConnell but it’s huge and has already paid dividends.
That being said we are way away from being out of the woods. But that’s just a reflection of how tilted the field has been since Nov '16 that even after Chuck and Nancy have pretty much done as well as they could the odds are still stacked against them.