Discussion: Schultz Prepares To Travel To Key Primary States As He Mulls 2020 Bid

It’s the “Civility and Low Taxes” Tour!


Since California is now in the mix, please come to the Bay Area, so I can go heckle you you egotistical piece of shit - without my having to get on an airplane.


If he’s going to run as moderate Republican, he should get into the Republican primary.

If for no other reason but to have a real billionaire in their race, vs a 2 bit grifter, heir to hundreds of millions of dollars


Appetite for inexperienced business leaders as President is fading fast under Trump.


You would think the vast majority of people who have worked at a job, under the management of a corporation, during the last few decades, would at least have a few qualms about the government being “run like a business.”


sigh…. the banality of ego.


Do they have primaries for independent billionaire vanity candidates?

To bad we didn’t learn from Bush II…

The media does… we’re in it now.

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Good opportunity for others to tell him to his face that he’s just another billionaire asshole.

The only thing that worries me a bit about our Dem candidates is the medicare for all issue. We need some additional candidates who are pure Medi Buy In to offer a counterpoint and to force our other candidates who embrace the slogan to acknowledge that they will be pragmatists on the issue. You see Harris and Warren nodding to that a bit, but the answer is still quite muddled. Getting Klobuchar in the race would help clarify those answers.

Given that Bloomberg appears to be entering the race, people will prefer that billionaire asshole to the Trumpier version of Schultz.


He should look at history. Because of Ralph Nader, we got Bush. And the invasion of Iraq. And so on. What a rube.

Schultz needs to be picketed with large gatherings of negative protesters everywhere he appears. His presence as a third party ticket will get us another Nader/Stein scenario, and will return THE WORLD-WIDE ASSHOLE to his Offal Office and the Presiduncey in 2020. Fuck Schultz.

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Independent candidates don’t run in caucus or primaries.

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Because he’s playing at running for president and that’s what real candidates do.

The Howard Schultz campaign horse-race…



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let me guess …… he’s flying coach ? ? ….

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He still thinks that he has a chance? So much for any remaining doubts about his judgement. He should just give me the money he expects to spend on the campaign. The outcome will be the same, and I will be happier.

If he does, he is mentally ill…and to have two mentally ill candidates in successive election cycles would be just too much

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