Spider Man theme, when ever I read his name.
This crap has got to change. Pols shouldn’t be allowed to use campaign funds to cover their tracks…I mean legal bills.
I really hate it when it’s a Dem. Grrrrrr.
I think it’s more like SpiderPig
Yep, I hate it that this guy, of all guys, did stupid shit. He was hot on trump’s trail and kicking some ass when it all came crashing down. Freaked me out a bit at the time.
The last payment was made Dec. 7, a month after a special prosecutor closed the investigation without filing charges.
I was worried it was an effective hit piece at the time, but he seems to admit bad behavior through his apology, yet no charges filed. Due to the absolute necessity of riding ourselves of trump, I was more than willing to say, “fuck it, I don’t care what he did, he did do good things for women and he was hot after trump.” I was damn near crestfallen, worried trump would steam roll everything if he could destroy Schneiderman. But we survived. So now, all I can say or feel is, “If you’re going to be on the good guys side, than G-dammit be on the good guys side 100% and don’t freak me out like that ever again!” Smack!
Honorable politicians should pass a bill circumscribing use of campaign funds because this behavior is a stigma against all of them. And it’s probably a reason some people shy away from direct donations.
I’d like to know who paid for Bob McDonald’s SCOTUS level lawyers.
♫ Schneiderman, Schneiderman
Does whatever a Schneider can ♫
That’s my contribution to this thread.
It is so much smarter, cheaper, and less complicated to treat other people decently and to not exploit your power for sexual gratification.
It’s bad. And trump spending a reported half of his post-election campaign take on lawyers is also bad.
Those whom the Gods would destroy they first make proud
HEY! Watch it!
I think the song goes. “Look out…here comes the Spiderpig”…not watch it.
OT but Great News
(Click link. Larrabee’s charges against her are listed in a linked tweet. They center around her accepting that $25K from the Toadglans Foundation in return for dropping an investigation into his fraudulent practices.)
As I’ve heard it said, “Ya gotta love it!”
Former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman used nearly $340,000 in political campaign funds to pay the law firm that represented him
I wonder if he*s a member of the Law Firm - he is then given the money back .
I was just livid at the time (“how can you be so dumb??!”) but also really, really terrified that this was going to derail the investigations into Trump. Thank Dog it turned out okay, but, man, didn’t do my blood pressure any good at the time!
It is actually worse. But NYPIRG is only interested in changing NY’s law on this, not on exposing or starting a national discussion on why it is ok for Donald Trump to use his campaign or inaugural funds to pay for his own and his son’s criminal defense lawyers.
Erich Schneiderman resigned and is not going to run for NY AG or anything else again. I see this as a lesser evil than what the sitting Republican President is doing with his campaign/inaugural funds, all while continuing to meet privately with Putin, continuing to run businesses without full disclosure of their income sources, and paying off sexual partners in exchange for NDAs. Not to mention admittedly making campaign and taxpayer funded staffers sign NDAs.
When congress members are made to pay their own legal bills instead of out of the sex slush fund this will continue…rethugs instituted this decades ago…
The fish rots from the head down…dotard did the same thing…cut them all off…