Discussion: Schiff: ‘Utterly Irresponsible’ For Trump To Announce Pelosi’s Plans To Travel ‘To A War Zone’

Saw that too. But as long as the GOP “Mitchcreants” control the Senate, Trump won’t be going anywhere. It sucks. Our system is broken. I think it is irrevocably broken. Time will tell.

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‘Many’? The majority of senators the majority of the time have actively rejected reality the last two years.

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You mean the Serbia that committed ethnic cleansing and genocide throughout the 1990’s?


This is big. Trump instructed Cohen to lie to Congress. The President of the United States told a witness to lie. He needs to be gone tomorrow. He should be in jail.


That sounds like the Serbia that was Russia’s traditional ally for centuries.


Thankyou for responding to him. He is an ignorant troll -Russian maybe? And with that comment knows nada about the Balkan War in the 90’s. The Srebrenica massacre was an atrocity.


Thanks for being TPM’s source of breaking news (since this site is rarely updated late in the evenings.) This is being called the smoking gun by multiple news sources and political analysts. It sure sounds like what Barr called obstruction of justice in his questioning by Amy Klobuchar on Tuesday.


This new buzzfeed article is gonna land tRump in a whole lot of hot water…and still the GOP will pretend this is no big thing. Just watch. The Republicans don’t realize how they are running out of rope continuing to defend this guy. They’re still choosing to be oblivious to this moron’s dirty acts and willfully ignorant to the rest. They won’t be able to compartmentalize these bad acts by him forever. Its about to blow over the top and boil over in a big way…

Basically, once again we’ve been forced to sacrifice our entire National Security, handing over everything we stand for as a country to this know-nothing. We’ve handed over the keys to our American democracy all this time because of another stupid tRump vanity project that he refused to let go of. This Moscow tower was his fantasy since the late 80’s when he was married to his first Eastern European wife. Good grief. This has been the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on this country.

Through abject corruption, with bribed officials at the ready, tRump’s entire plan has boiled down to nothing more than a plan to enrich the tRump crime family for hundreds of millions of dollars for some stupid, self-aggrandizing tower in Putin’s Russia…with a penthouse supposedly worth $50 million at the top going to Vlad as a gratuity for allowing it to be built there.

It turns out everything he does is somehow related to his pretend building acumen, which ends up being nothing more than a pathetic metaphor to his tiny dick.

First a Moscow tRump Tower, now a useless dumb wall. All of it to soothe his over-blown ego and uncontrolled id. Not only is he dumber than dirt, he’s dangerous. His crimes have imperiled our safety, our security, and our country.

At this point, I won’t be surprised when I hear someday how he tried to secretly bribe members of the electoral college too. There’s simply no low he won’t go.


Wow. Just wow.


This story makes me think that Rudy knew last night that this story was about to land. He was providing a distraction and cover for his client. Trump broke the law while in office. He needs to resign and be indicted tomorrow.


Its simply outrageous. Meanwhile people in this country are working for nothing, no paycheck because this man-baby, who doesn’t know how to govern is too wrapped up in trying to coverup his dirty deeds. Its his full time job now. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. Its been that way since day one…

It would be fine if I never read the news or turned on a tv again so I didn’t have to hear this shit, but it still would affect me because his policies and his actions still affect me so I have to pay attention. He’s making life worse for every American whether they pay attention or not.


Yep —Giuliani has been acting weirder than usual, although he Is as insane, incompetent, and corrupt as his client.

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I read an article at the start of the shutdown which stated clearly that he could keep the government shutdown indefinitely because he does not give a shit. He cares nothing about the country, the federal employees being asked to work without pay, the furloughed federal employees who are not being paid, government contractors who will never recover lost wages, and the rest of us including his base. He does not care. His primary focus is himself. That’s it. I want him to rot in prison.


Both CNN and MSNBC websites are reporting the Buzz Feed story


Good it is huge if true. I have no doubt that it is. He already did this by concocting the adoption story re: Don Jr. and the Trump Tower meeting.


It had the desired effect. Conservative radio was giggling about it all afternoon.

You mean Yugoslavia, right?


Nixon told witnesses to lie. That was one of the charges against him. This is really no different in that regard. He also had bagmen like Cohen. This is so much worse though imo.


In the future, maybe a dam president could wait until a GOP junket goes to Afghanistan or Iraq, but wait until they get there and THEN cancel their military transport back. That would be cool, even deny them re-entry even better.