Discussion: Schiff: ‘Utterly Irresponsible’ For Trump To Announce Pelosi’s Plans To Travel ‘To A War Zone’

Here’s Lindsay being entirely truthful.


Apparently she has immense psychic powers

Fucking venal moron.

The Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising account for the campaign and the Republican National Committee, blasted out an email with the subject line “I’m disinvited?”

“Democrats have illegitimately ‘disinvited’ me from making my scheduled and VERY important State of the Union Address,” the email complained. “Americans DEMAND the truth, so we need to make a CLEAR STATEMENT and raise $1,OOO,OOO by Midnight TONIGHT to show your support for Border Security (the REAL security concern).”


Narcissists hate it when the people around them get the attention that they want for themselves. They are in a near-constant state of jealous rage because of this. Baby Donnie no doubt thinks that the heroic act of visiting the troops is his stage, his path to glory, and only his, and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep his perceived competitors off that stage. Remember Baby Donnie violently elbowing the PM of Montenegro out of the way at the May 2017 NATO summit? Same deal.


Fools and their money are soon parted.


In 2017, we spent $685B on NATO. The next biggest spender is UK, which spent $55B.

That’s ridiculous - we should not be the payer of 80% of NATO

Should be an interesting weekend, early next week.

Just saying… :wink:


This country has had more signs and portents than any other nation in history, but still keeps ignoring them.


Well, here’s what McTurtle did tonight so I’m not so sure he’s planning anything other than continuing to hide in his shell until the media starts to focus on his bullshit for just once. They’ve let this bastard off the hook by barely looking at how he’s escaped any scrutiny in this debacle. He could end this shit tonight if he wanted to and yet crickets from most corners of the media:


Gosh, how shocking! How stunning!! Who would ever have predicted it?

From Day 1, McConnell has stated that he will not bring up a bill that Trump will veto. So, that’s what he did. Perhaps Nancy will notice.

Check your facts, Ace. That’s total US defense spending. It’s not all for NATO. Not by a long shot. Do try to keep up.



Beautiful! Head of the Weasel Wehrmacht as well.


Of course I agree with everything you say here. It will blow up in Trump’s face in a major way. But I thought the same would be true of Trump’s shameless parading of Bill Clinton’s harassed women before and during one of the 2016 debates. I’ve concluded his base loved it.

My guess is we need to measure the reactions to Trump with two thermometers. One takes a reading on responses from the well-educated and well-informed appalled at his behavior. The other takes the temperature of his less-well-educated and poorly informed base. I think his base’s reaction will be, “He showed that bitch.”


Chairman Schiff, Donald could careless about responsibility!!!

Trump is PURE EVIL!

Whose to say that NATO commanders from our ally nations might not get her safely to Afghanistan and make sure she is protected. Has anyone seen her since the letter became public? I say she’s on her way to Europe and is going to make Donald look really stupid as she’s greeted like a hero by our allies tomorrow.


Until she gets the best of him again. We all know at least one of Trump’s supporters. They don’t like having to defend a weakling. It’s not their style and they have a very limited threshold for repeated embarrassment. First, they look for a scapegoat; and when that doesn’t stick, they turn on their own. Donald is standing on quicksand and time is running out. While Pelosi is flying towards our NATO allies who will not turn on her.


“Or, you could fly commercial”—who tells a high-ranking government official (2nd in line to Presidency), after pinpointing for the enemy where they’ll be, and when—to fly commercial? Josh was right from way back, dude’s a thug. And a cowardly one, at that.