Merely circumstantial evidence. You know, like judges tell jurors to explain circumstantial evidence, “If someone comes into the courtroom and her coat is wet, you might deduce from that that it’s raining outside.”
“All campaigns talk to any ‘drop in’ foreign nationals with oppo research” is now the excuse they are trying to sell on TV.
So are they admitting to breaking campaign laws? Pretty much.
- Prove it
- No, just you
Gooper from Florida just ran that one past an incredulous Jon Berman. Also “Jr. is inexperienced in these matters and wouldn’t do it now.”
Poor jr. Just a couple of months ago it was reported that he was telling folks that he missed the campaign trail, and wanted to run for Gov. of NY. Those dreams just got quite dim. Dim dreams for a corrupt, lying and clearly dim son.
This deserves the Prairie Dog:
Dum dum dum!
Dim Son - new menu item for Trump restaurants. Alongside Ivanka’s Rack of Lamb
Which, of course, doesn’t quite work for Manafort, who is many things, but not “inexperienced” in political campaigns.
Excellent point.
Poetic that a rich, corrupt blowhard becomes President, and what might just take his whole scam down is one of his idiot sons.
Yeah, Jr. is so inexperienced he denied his innocent, innocuous communication he and the dad’s campaign manager had with the Russian, saying:
“Well it just goes to show you their exact moral compass. They’ll say anything to be able to win this. This is time and time again, lie after lie, you notice he won’t say, ‘well I say this’ — ‘we hear experts’, his housecat at home once said that this is what’s happening with the Russians. It’s disgusting, it’s so phony… I can’t think of bigger lies…”
Very, very inexperienced.
Ivanka is forever grateful she got her mother’s brains. Coupled with her father’s corruption and venality, she may be the most dangerous of the bunch.
Please, please subpoena Junior and put him under oath.
Rep. Schiff, a former prosecutor, would simply cut Junior and his BS talking points into ribbons.
I was wondering when the inexperience excuse would surface
So if trump and pence don’t go down first will they all get pardoned?
Well, you dim sum and you lose sum.
The sum and substance of DT’s Korean policy.
Not collusion. Come on. Say it with me. …
…and every person with the power to do something who hedges or excuses on this should be held accountable as co-conspirators to commit TREASON.