Like any “good dictator” anywhere, Trump considers his personal interests and that of the nation as one.
What’s mind boggling is how so many people have chosen to go along with that un-American idea.
Stop the presses! Dog bites man!
Oh, never mind.
Trump’s ideology begins and ends with the “I”, just like his idol Ayn AS IN MINE Rand!
“This is a president, look, who has no ideology. He’s not conservative, he’s not liberal; the only consistent theme seems to be, he’s pro-Trump,” he said. “He’s for his own personal interests.”
Over/under on number of hours before PP admits this in a tweet?
And anti-Obama.
I love this man. He speaks truth to power and has no fear of being attacked with “tweets.” Bravo, Adam Schiff! I just now realized that he shares a name with the fictional DA on Law and Order; they have a lot in common and I admire them both. (R.I.P., Steven Hill)
“This is going to be hard to accomplish and we all need to be pulling in the same direction,” Schiff said. “Right now, too often, Gen. McMaster is talking about a president not that we have, but one that he wishes we had.”
Schiff 2020.
PDQ. In T rump’s brain, he IS America. There is no differentiation between the two. >3/<7
I wonder if this is Schiff indirectly telling conservatives that this man is not one of you. Feel free to abandon him at any time now…soon.
Schiff for House Minority Leader…then Speaker!
"All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only sin is pride."
Just to add, Trump never yields, never admits wrong, never faces his evil.
I think Schiff is right here, and it’s great the Dems are finally realising this. It’s quite positive, because I think what trump ultimately wants - more than anything - is to be viewed as a successful president.
[quote=“squirreltown, post:5, topic:62339”]
the only consistent theme seems to be, he’s pro-Trump,” he said. “He’s for his own personal interests.”
Over/under on number of hours before PP admits this in a tweet?
[/quote]This morning’s tweets and retweets pretty much made the point. But, he’s sure to reinforce this truth by the end of the daylight hours - at the latest Monday early morning, if there’s something important today that consumes his time and focus (check the TV listings).
There is real virtue in having a politician stating the obvious about Trump in clear, unequivocal terms. Democrats should be making this a consistent theme, emphasing and questioning the motives and substance of republican support for a man who obviously has no commitment at all to the sacred ideology that they’ve used as the standard of all truth for years.
“Trump has no ideology”
Did you just now figure that out Mr Schiff?
Horrifying. The police state continues at pace.
Trump actually has two ideologies:
(1) his “personal interests”; and
(2) his burning hatred for and jealousy of President Obama.
It’s because of (2) that we see Don the Con seeking to tear down President Obama’s legacy.