Discussion: Schiff Threatens To Subpoena FBI On Russian Election Meddling Investigation

I wonder if the thought has occurred to Schiff that his patience protects Trump.


Here’s the thing…

if you were running a counter-intelligence probe against Trump, would you provide the Republicans on the Gang of Eight with the details? I mean, Devin Nunes?

IMO, Schiff is walking a tightrope here – while he should have access to the information, how can he justify turning it over to Nunes. Let alone Moscow Mitch, or Richard Burr – who has already run to the White House with stuff he got from briefings in the past.


If this episode holds true to form the FBI will promise to give Schiff 10% of what he’s asking for and Dems will declare a cease fire.


This is long overdue.


It really makes one wonder what exactly the FBI is trying to hide?


It hasn’t happened yet so it may continue to be overdue.

Do it Adam. Do it now. No more press briefings. No more threats. Just do it.


its probably something big, or Schiff would not be doing this right now.

As I noted above, whatever Schiff gets briefed on, Nunes, Moscow Mitch, and Burr also get told. Schiff didn’t complain about the lack of updates throughout the first two years, which suggests that something changed between then and now.

So my guess is that Schiff has been given some kind of back channel briefing – and thinks its big enough to take it public. But to protect his sources, he needs to “drag it out of the FBI” and pretend he doesn’t know what is being hidden.


It’s not the FBI per se (Wray); it’s Barr, who obviously doesn’t feel that Congress is anywhere near a co-equal branch of government, end of story. I wonder how he’ll feel in several years, once the GOP is asking “Donald who”? and disavowing anything having to do with him. It WILL happen, especially after he crashes the economy - just like W.


Could be Wray and Barr. The criminal in the WH could fire him if he cooperated. Frankly any Republican today does not deserve our trust, especially one appointed by the criminal and endorsed by the Speaker criminal. Just saying. These are trying times.

The election was compromised and Trump ain’t the legitimate President…


I have, if I may say so, a very elegant solution to all these problems.

  1. House declares a national security emergency in relation to 2020 elections: see the Mueller report, which states that a grave threat continues to exist.

  2. House sets up a Special Committee to prepare urgent legislation.

  3. Special Committee urgently summons witnesses to testify as to 2016 attacks; the threat posed with regard to the 2020 elections; the current state of (un)preparedness; what needs to be done.

  4. Mueller is called to give evidence on these points (not obstruction). Ditto Barr, ditto all the Homeland Security, CIA, and FBI personnel. Ditto people who can speak to what is being done around the country.

  5. Any resistance or delay can be met by immediate subpoenas, given the emergency we face and the need for urgent action. Any court hearing necessitated can be expedited for the same reasons.

  6. Either Trump cooperates–in which case, great; or, more likely, he blocks cooperation. In the latter case, you impeach for failure to uphold his oath of office. That is something that all Americans will get. It won’t be score-settling; it won’t be about ‘obstruction of justice,’ an opaque crime to most people; it will be about intentionally failing to protect the country from a repeat of the 2016 attacks.

  7. Meanwhile the obstruction of justice inquiry rumbles along on a separate, slower track.


The DOJ has no intention of providing any critical information to Congress relating to this issue.

Anyone suggesting otherwise is fighting the riptide current of demonstrated past behavior and action.


It’s basically a coup. The Republicons are closing the circle.


Adam, don’t threaten anymore,

Just Do It, Issue the Damn Subpoena!




Oh no, not the ISSUANCE OF A SUBPOENA!!! :scream::scream::scream: This is getting REAL!!!


At what point do the Democrats move from ineffective to complicit?


At some point a threat turns into a joke. I think we are just about there.