Discussion: Schiff Teases Using Intel Chiefs’ Hearing To Shoot Down National Emergency

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Head him off at the pass Adam!!! Spanky and his toadies are not going to be able to tolerate all these facts being thrown at him from every direction. They will get in the press and hopefully everyone with three digit IQs will finally understand what is going on with this administration.


Maddow aired a piece last night about the House Intel Committee being frozen in place due to GOPers failing to seat their members:

Speier sits on the House Intelligence Committee. While Republican leaders have appointed members to 23 other Congressional committees, they have not yet appointed their members to Intel, preventing the committee from meeting.

“If the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his Grand Jury do have an interest in looking at certified transcripts of the testimony of Donald Trump, Jr. or any other witnesses before the House Intelligence Committee, the special counsel’s office can only bring legal action on the basis of someone’s potentially false testimony if they have an official transcript of that,” she explained. “They can only get an official transcript of that testimony once the Intelligence Committee meets and votes to release that official transcript.”

Just curious, could the GOP merely NEVER seat members on the committee, rendering it unable to do anything under current meeting rules? If the rules dictate votes (or any other business) can't occur until the committee is brought to order, how would Dems initiate a vote to change the rules to allow them to operate, absent the GOP members needed to hold the vote in the first place? Is it within the GOP's ability to essentially abolish the committee via non-participation?

Hope springs eternal, but I think this will never really happen. Our only real option is to make them irrelevant.


Heh. I guess it’s a “Do the facts of the matter matter?” matter. If the new Congress means they do matter at all often, Trump might as well trail off home and wait for his indictments. It wasn’t the airplanes, we’ll say. It was asking what the hell he was talking about that killed the beast. Or maybe it’s like “War of the Worlds,” where he can’t survive prolonged contact with reality.


Seem like the emergency Donald would claim to help build the wall would be more a huge surge of folks crossing the border. Granted that seems easily disprovable too.

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Just make him look like the ridiculous BS artist that he is.
More of this from the Dems, please!


But the U.S.-Canadian border, different story.

Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, Nickelback, Ted Cruz.

How many of their worst will they send us before we build that wall???


I don’t think Schiff is teasing.


Headlinese but in fact he’s more of a deadpan humor guy. Somehow, against the lurid grotesqueries of the era, when he blandly describes the situation as it really is it seems quietly hilarious to me. And if you see him in interviews there’s a sparkle occasionally that suggests he finds it hilarious too.


Trump is up Schiff’s Creek without a paddle.


Just read the Orange One’s twitter feed this morning. You would think that Intel Hearing did not happen.


We need some of the ones with two-digit IQs as well.


Representative Schiff is a gazillion times smarter than the current occupant of the WH, as well as his creepy VP.


Can we get a confirmation on McCarthy naming folks to the intel committee? I want to get going and send the transcripts to Mueller and have them made public.



Anyone know what Schiff and the Democrats can do to get the Intelligence Committee open? What can be done to end the Republican stalling on naming members? Sounds to me like they are working to shut it down for this entire session of Congress.

If so, can the Democrats pass a rule that will prevent that from happening?


but…but…BUT…there IS an EMERGENCY!! My president just told me so this morning!

ETA - He also told me that the Intel Chiefs are naive and passive

FFS, is there any lie that Trump won’t tell?


I asked this question below. It appears to me that’s what they’re trying to do. Perhaps the House as a whole can change the rules?


Never Trump and Never Wall.