Saw him this morning and I have to agree. .
Really is there anybody besides Trump himself that thinks he is a sable genius? Or even a stable non-genius?
Perhaps the leak is a message from the American military to Putin -the President may have invited you to interfere in our elections, but we’re telling you, there will be heavy consequences if you do so?
And, of course, a military that withholds information from its Commander in Chief due to concerns regarding his allegiances, is a military crying for help. This is an unsustainable situation.
The problem is the problem of Trumpness.
I think the “most disturbing” part of the New York Times’ report is that Trump is president, but that’s just me.
“security officials with the administration felt they couldn’t tell this to the President because he might compromise that information in a conversation with the Russians or he might countermand their orders, their military decisions because of the President’s obsequious attitude“
Coup d’ tot
Just another wannabe (dic)tater tot.
No, it’s not!
Coupe de Vile
Donnie Moscow’s only relationship to stable is that he’s full of horseshit.
And you know, this is the intelligence community being concerned that the commander in chief of our military is selling us down the damn river. They don’t “just know” things, the way we here “just know” what we know. They know things. And this is how they feel and act. It’s so bad even the most cynical of us could still have trouble really accepting the truth of it. I know I do.
Say it loud, say it proud:
“Donald Trump is a national security threat.”
Every single Dem needs to repeat this, as often as possible, to every single camera and interviewer.
But then it would appear they’d be looking to rumble. Are you okay with that?
ETA: Happy Father’s Day!
Coupe de 1949??
Ah yes…an extravagant coupe
I am OK with information being withheld from trump. We have the incident where he outed an agent in Syria that could have cost the person their life. Trump just wanted to impress Lavrov and Kislyak with his “inside dope” that day they met in the Oval Office. That could have been construed as an act of Treason. Too bad it wasn’t.
Also the FBI has been reluctant to share information with the House Intelligence committee. Could it be concern about what Devin Nunes might do with it?
“… he might compromise that information in a conversation with the Russians…”
No, he WILL give it away to Vlad. That’s what blackmailed stool pigeons do. It’s also what Manchurian Candidates do, too. “Psst, Vlad. I got something for you. Now hang on to those videos like you promised.”
coup de graceless