Discussion: Schiff Makes Good On Threat, Subpoenas Mueller Report, Underlying Intel

George I agree with you on some matters, and wish we had more succinct and effective messaging. I don’t agree with your never ending attacks of Pelosi and the Constitution. On the Constitution…you still could be right and a fundamental re-write or amendments may be necessary. However, we have a lot to deal with and much of that is going to have to wait until we are past this crisis. So railing about a lot of your topics isn’t helpful if nothing can be done about it right now.

You are completely correct about Schiff tho. At this point, we need to be able to move just as fast or faster than Chump. He thinks he is a great counter-puncher but the fact is while you are getting your face jabbed in…counter-punching is just pure survival. We can’t be giving these people enough time to keep concocting their convoluted perversions. The more and faster we act with aggression, the less time and resources THEY have to cook up ratfukking and escape mechanisms.


It’ll be interesting to see what Nunes does when Barr’s corrupt DoJ raises the inevitable middle finger. Will he support additional contempt charges or support Congress’ position in the coming court fights?

I’m not sure what’s going on here with the mixed messages from the Republican Party. See Senate Intelligence Committee on Trump Jr. subpoena as well.


Nope, I made a mistake on that date. Should have been May 8 not May 9. Corrected. Thanks for pointing it out.

trump is building a wall around himself faster than the one Mexico was supposed to pay for couple of years ago down on the boarder.


They told us where they stood with Bush vs Gore and Citizens United. All we can hope for is if Chief Justice Roberts is concerned with how history will judge him and he already has 1strike with his overseeing of Citizens United.


Agreed, it’s the only equivalent response. Anything less is meaningless. This level of obstinance was established way back by McConnell during the Garland nomination, and it hasn’t stopped since. It’s about time Democrats recognized that it’s all hardball now.


I agree, but do they have a way to do that since that power was apparently ceded to the DOJ years ago?

Democrats can do both. Grind the minions and grind tRump. They all are subverting our democracy and our country.

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“Everyone’s talking about it. Is he hiding something or isn’t he? I don’t know but people are saying he is.” :smirk:

Cc @pshah

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Many of the miscreants are already wealthy. In any case, they’ll just refuse to pay the fines as they have refused to comply with the subpoenas.

Jail is a bit more likely to change their perspective.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXx3HJ54nHw&fbclid=IwAR1cC2hxbiEbzcmktQqGUnZPGgDmY3i2xwZwVV_wxr-Uhx-u-v0qauj0zZ4 To Dave Bossie

Taking both a fast track and a medium track to break down the stone wall aren’t mutually exclusive. IMO the medium can benefit from some of the wins of the fast track and double down.

No argument here. The only argument i have is with people accusing Nadler and Democrats in general of not doing their oversight work.

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