I don’t think the headline does Schiff any favours, I thinks his comments makes sense…
Personally I don’t give a shit whether impeachment is successful or not. I want to see all of this dirt aired in public, live on TV, five days a week for the next 19 months. More so, I want to see the House of Representative DO THEIR FUCKING JOB!
Enough of this purely political posturing. This is a fight to save our country. As it is all of this kid-glove treatment of Toadglans and his criminal enterprise does nothing but set precedent, one that will destroy our country for generations, if not all eternity.
ETA Consider this: There is enough damning evidence of Cockholster’s crimes to produce a bombshell headline everyday until the next elections.
In this climate I don’t know if impeachment would be the answer, but indictments after Nov. 3rd, 2020 would give me a very nice birthday present if anyone was interested.
I can’t imagine our doing nothing.
Nothing happens and we just carry on. This makes no sense to me. And I doubt it makes any sense to a lot of Americans.
I don’t think you have to call it impeachment. Just form a Select Committee to investigate the allegations laid out in the Mueller Report.
It’ll either give momentum towards impeachment, or not. But avoids the label of “impeachment”, which seems to be a third-rail in the short term.
Doing nothing is not an option.
So if they form a Select Committee to investigate can the stuff they uncover be used at the trials?
Hi Adam. No one expected the House to decide on impeachment overnight. You have until Wednesday.
Do Adam Schiff and other Democrats in Congress really think that ignoring their duty (and oaths of office) and letting Trump off the hook is “what’s best for the country?” Seriously? Haven’t we learned anything? Has non-accountability for the financial crisis been “best for the country?” Or non- accountability for torture? Enough.
Of course. That’s exactly how they did Watergate. The Select Committee did the hearings and investigations, and the articles of impeachment were drafted from their results.
I know there is strong support for impeachment here in this forum. The anger at the situation, the frustration that Mueller’s report didn’t give us more to work with, is understandable. I share it. I still think racing to impeachment is handing the Republicans a weapon to use against us in the 2020 election.
There is a political calculation here, which is what Schiff is getting at, even if he’s not actually saying it. The 2020 election is what will remove Trump from office. Impeachment won’t. If it moved through to the Senate, it would be quickly shot down and Trump would crow, once again, that he’s been exonerated. It will look like a Trump victory and a Dem failure, regardless of taking the moral high ground.
The moral high ground isn’t enough to win the 2020 election, more’s the pity. Trump might even get an electoral boost from it, like President Clinton did. I’m not saying the House shouldn’t continue investigations, but they don’t need to be called impeachment proceedings. We will have to find a way to stay strong and encouraged by tearing down the Trump legacy with other means.
That makes all kinds of sense. I started to say yesterday that we needed a Select Committee and a prosecutor.
The Democratic party response is deeply confused. Every talking head has a different opinion. The party needs to get its act together now. Call an emergency meeting this evening. Get Schiff, Pelosi, AOC, Hoyer on the same page. Put Nadler in charge of the whole affair and make him the figurehead: he is, after all, the (immensely experienced) chair of the Judiciary Committee and constitutionally responsible for oversight of Executive misconduct. The incompetence and wishy-washiness has to stop right now. That means (1) making it very clear that impeachment is an investigation process and that Dems have no option but to embark on this; and (2) the GOP is a failed and disloyal party. The second part of this equation is as important as the first. Time to step up as the one party that is loyal to America and its constitution. Do it now.
Also: it is quite simply very dangerous to let Trump of the hook on the grounds that the House is powerless to do anything about it. It will embolden him with unthinkable potential consequences. Trump is a danger to our democracy; Mueller has made that clear; and Democrats must take this message to the people.
I think the best way to know what most people think would be to ask every representative to do some survey in their own district. I think it’s quick and more accurate than what pollsters tell us.
You might get some cooperation from the Democrats on that but the Repugs won’t.
Copy and pasting my post in yesterday’s WaPo:
This is not an either/or, investigate or impeach, issue, it is a cause and effect process. The Mueller report makes it abundantly clear that the OSC found enough evidence to sustain multiple charges of obstruction of justice but was precluded by DoJ policy from issuing an indictment against a sitting “president.” The House can and should use the Mueller report as the basis for its own investigation into the malfeasance and criminal acts of Trump and then use the results of its own investigation to determine whether the evidence supports a charge of “high crimes and misdemeanors” necessary to issue Articles of Impeachment.
@castor_troy @tena @nemo We, and several other posters here, are on the same page.
And we’re in good company:
“[Barr] should be offering the report to Congress — and then leaving it to lawmakers to determine what comes next.”
Schiff: “We are, unfortunately, in an environment today where the GOP leadership, people like Kevin McCarthy, are willing to carry the President’s water no matter how corrupt or unethical or dishonest the President’s conduct may be. It means that an impeachment is likely to be unsuccessful.”
This is just pathetic.
Fuck the Republicans. Begin the hearings. The Republicans are pusillanimous assholes who will never hold Trump accountable. But he needs to be taken on. Being the inexorable process toward impeachment. Fuck the Republicans.
That could be enough, Dems take up more than half of the House including most purple districts.
I’m pretty sure the Repugs would say their constituents feel otherwise and if challenged how they knew that they could point to the fact they were elected. But I get what you’re saying and maybe it would be enough.
I really think we all just need to apply the maximum amount of pressure to Congress.
The Democratic party response is deeply confused.
I disagree on that. I think it makes sense for some Dems to call for impeachment and some not. By not making the call uniform, the candidates can get a sense of what is working for them and what isn’t. The entire country isn’t consistently engaged in the call for impeachment. What’s important is for all Dems to be actively doing investigations. All the way up to Nov. 3rd.