Discussion: Scarborough: Trump Is The President Of The White Nationalist Movement


That he is.

And until he is removed from office, he is a stain on the White House and the country.

His regime needs to be eliminated and rebuked.


Shocking that someone who is supposed to be smart about politics is just discovering this now.



And he and the Republicans are appointing judges to lifetime seats every day.


Trump is Joe’s President. It’s hard to find a television personality who gave Trump a helping hand more than Scarborough.


It’s this stuff that pisses me off most. I can put up with his verbal diarrhea but those kinds of things will be doing lasting damage to us for a long time.


I’m fuzzy on the exact wording of that old phrase but “Joe, you’re late to the dance.”


Well then joe it’s a good thing no center-right media figures helped give an enormous platform to this dangerous fellow.



What did Scarborough see or hear from Trump that made him a Trump cheerleader? I’m guessing ratings. Who did he imagine Trump was? I would love to hear Scarborough’s explanation for his change of mind.


And, I think, with this article below, we can officially say that Faux News has officially earned being referred to as his white nationalist propaganda machine:


I mean, the attempt to use meaningless data to not just push the “liberals are the real racists” and stoke the geographic cultural resentment as if “liberal AREAS are where the real haters are” is so utterly blatant that there can no longer be any argument about Faux News deliberate role in pushing white nationalist racism. This article says it all. It’s not a per capita measure, it takes no look at the size of membership or the size of the state populations, etc., just conveniently pushes a non-meaningful measure, i.e., counting the raw number of hate groups, as a way of showing that “it’s not conservatives, it’s liberals” and “it’s not the south and midwest, it’s the east and west coast.” FUCKING. ABSURD.


Unfortunately most of the media gave him the attention he craved, One wonders if no one had shown up to his “announcement” in Trump Tower, which is what would be normal if someone who has never even run for school board announces for President, what Trump would be doing today. And then, to see on every network, Trump rally countdown clocks. Where were those for any other candidate of either party? This asshat is entirely a media creation. Joe is not alone in that, unfortunately.


Yup. He was cheerleading for The Vulgar Talking Yam all throughout the campaign and the election. Joe only turned on the president* when he started tweeting nasty things about his girlfriend. No points for you!

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Person before party before country. That’s ol’ Joe’s motto.

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Gosh. Who could have predicted.


And you sucked his white nationalist dick for months, you hypocritical intern-killing motherfucker.
Donald Trump is now what he has always been all of his life, and you helped put him on his throne.
Go fuck yourself, Joe Scarborough. You’re not talking your way out of this one.


Gee, who would ever guessed that the largest state in the country with the largest population and the largest economy would have the largest population of a certain group of people?
I bet they also have the largest concentration of anti-Nazis, anti-Klansmen, pro-gay, pro-abortion rights, pro-immigrant, and other groups too.
Man, FoxNews is really sweating this one. Like when Chicken-Pot-Pie-Boy Tucker Carlson put up a graphic during his show saying that the Aztecs and Plato owned slaves. Well, fuck, Tucker Boy, I didn’t see Plato go on national TV and rim a bunch of white supremacists, and I haven’t seen too many Aztecs marching in White Pride parades lately.
Jerry Hall must be popping nitroglycerine capsules into Rupert Murdoch’s mouth by the fistful.


People watch this show. Bread and butter people, while they get ready for work and help their kids dress for school. This is good, and I say good on Scarborough for it.


If this wasn’t so incredibly hilarious it would be so incredibly sad:

Trump’s former lawyer actually thinks posting pics on his Twitter account of him with black people definitively proves he’s not a racist.
“See, some of my best friends are crack whores and gangbangers!”, beamed Mr. Cohen, with his Trumpian smile.

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They’re Nazi appeasers – the whole deplorable lot.