Discussion: Scarborough: 'Thin-Skinned'

Discussion for article #232964

Yes, Rand Paul is thin-skinned, and a total moron - just like his daddy. He says he is for the public health of American citizens, and says people should be vaccinated, yet he and other people in his political party want vaccinations to have exemptions based on religious or political objections (oh those black helicopters!).
The disconnect in logic is astounding. Kinda like saying you are pro-life while having a dead intern in your office, isn’t it, Morning Joe?


Well looky-looky who’s talking.



He is, however, exceptional in feckless verbal duplicity.

Which, unfortunately, is adequate for the millions of his followers.


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to being thin-skinned. Ron Paul famously walked off a television set a few years back when pressed about his racist newsletters. Someone close to me had a similar experience a few years before that. Then, when the critical news coverage appeared, the Paulists came out of the woodwork to defend their hero. I think this might be a side effect of being a cult figure; you get so used to unquestioning adoration that it comes as an unpleasant surprise to learn the whole world doesn’t feel the same way. Rand better get used to it if he wants to be a front-tier candidate.


If anyone knows about being thin-skinned, It’s Moanin’ Ho


rand paul. 3rd party candidate. the tea special.

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Scarborough is doing himself no favors wearing that hideous sweater every week.

What makes for an even more entitled, drama queen is to be the heir apparent of a cult figure. That’s exactly what Rand Paul is, the Paris Hilton of politics. He’s the little prince (King Joffrey) set to take over daddy’s throne and rule the world, and no one should dare question his wisdom or authoritay. I very much look forward to the coming meltdown at the debates and the one where he refuses to get out of the race or endorse the eventual nominee. I would not be a bit surprised if he winds up running third party.

“I was really surprised by how thin-skinned Rand Paul was,” Scarborough said

How the hell is anyone who even remotely follows politics at all surprised by Rand Paul’s thin skin? During his first campaign, he made a big show of refusing to shake Jack Conway’s hand during their debate because Conway had been mean to him. There have also been numerous other examples over the last several years in which he’s lost his little, elfin temper with anyone who challenges him. And yet political analyst Joe Scarborough is surprised! SMDH


Got to love Scarborough. He is always spinning. He obviously prefers Jeb and wants him to be the nominee. With Joe it is never real news, its what good for him, and the party. That’s why I can’t watch him anymore.


Pot meet kettle. Morning Joe on Morning Joe showed just how thin-skinned he was over criticism of his faith.


Took the words out of my mouth. He’s a shill for another Bush in office. Bottom line.


I’m not sure whom you insulted more there, the elfin Paul or the too dumb to get it Scarborough?
I’ll call it a tie, nice job Plucky.


But, but, what happened to Christie? Mika and Joe were slaves to his grind.

If I were Jeb, yechh, I would slough off Mika and Joe before their attachment Christies him.

Mika reminds me of the “newspeople” on Fox, who know they had better agree or keep their mouths shut because, let’s face it, they are never going to get a job anywhere else, although washroom attendant might be an option

RossPerot - ears

RandPaul - hair

Middle names should be Insignificant


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All Republcants are thin-skinned. And short penised too. The latter must be the primary reason they hate that black man.

Wonder what her Daddy thinks of her?

I wouldn’t give a dime for RANDY PAUL, but why is Scarborough still on the air?


“He’s the little prince (King Joffrey) set to take over daddy’s throne and rule the world”

Good one! Rand Paul as Joffrey. I’ll be laughing about that all day.

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