Democrats in Disarray! Democrats in Disarray! Fear, fire, foes! Democrats in Disarray!
They weren’t all fire and brimstone. Williamson did everything with love.
Are you kidding me? Policy was discussed on both nights— not hand size.
Tone and demeanor matter. This is what I’ve been warning against from the get go.
To be fair, Joe, I never watch you.
You expecting it to be significantly different than any other ‘panel’ that appears on a MSM show?
Scarborough is right, but for the wrong reasons.
First, the questions and the moderators were for the most part crap.
But, the real fault goes to the DNC for having such a shit show for two nights and 20 candidates.
There is no spin that Perez can put on this nonsense.
No good headlines yesterday on the DEM side from any quarter.
I just hope it rains buckets in DC on the 4th and Fat Donny’s hair gets wet.
But…but… Angry Joe and Obnoxious Bernie who both rolled out the campaign stratergy from the olden days
I hope it is neither one of these old fucks
Joe Scarborough is a horse’s ass and a blowhard, so much so that I cannot watch him. And he is pretty much alone in this particular opinion. I think with this ridiculous gambit, he’s doing his very best to crawl back into the GOP womb.
Joe, you’re not a Democrat.
This is dumb analysis from Joe. However yesterday Chris Matthews (whose show i used to like quite a bit) had maybe the dumbest take I’ve heard on any of these debates.
Chucktodd: what was the most important takeaway from Wednesday night?
CM: A republican watching at home didn’t see anyone they could vote for!
??? I get that peeling off some trump voters is a goal. But that’s what these debates are about in his estimation? That was more wacko than anything I heard on the podium.
“…Instead, they all turn their guns on each other and shoot each other. And everybody is yelling at each other all night.”
It’s a freaking primary. They’re supposed to distinguish themselves from each other.
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes. If the Dems start taking advice from has-been Republicans in search of political relevance, then they’re bigger fools than the has-been Repubs offering the advice.
Tone and demeanor do matter. Which is a big reason why Kamala and Pete did so well. Adults in the room.
Well it was a necessary evil in order to justify making the next debate have less people.
You’d almost think this was some kind of freakin’ primary, not the general election!
Kamala and Pete did very well, but I just wish there were fewer candidates and thus, more time to devote to good ideas.
Time is of the essence to get to a candidate/ticket.
The candidates fighting over policy and their personal records are part of the vetting process.
All such calls for peace among candidates really are pleas to ignore their flaws, and should be ignored.
These requests should be looked on with suspicion. If we want to win, we don’t want a candidate with a critical flaw that will go hidden until the October surprise is revealed.