Discussion: Scarborough On Media Diversity: Let's Hire People From The Bush White House!

Ed vanishes ( I heard Tweety make a off-hand, cutting remark) and Rev. Al goes quietly to a Sunday morning vegetative state. I know Ed doing great but how is Rev. Al dealing with the shame of his passivity?

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…and how many of the above mentioned ad work at Fox?

That continues. The fake CIA guy who has been on numerous shows as an “intelligence” expert of course made the headlines. But the number of people who are brought on who don’t reveal their affiliation with presidential campaigns is jaw dropping.


As I recall, it was Hannity, Beck, Levin, Laura Ingraham that held all those Tea Party rallies during the 2008 election promoting that boob Sarah Palin. Before then, does anyone remember people who called themselves journalists cheerleading for point of view? Then there is the indomitable Nicholle Wallace of the Schmidt/Wallace campaign management for McCain/Palin. Nicholle Wallace knew firsthand that Palin was an ignorant, clueless dolt and she continued to work on her campaign risking sticking us with someone one heartbet away from the Presidency who she knew was totally incompetent. In the end, in order to soothe her own soul, her contribution to preventing electing the idiot Palin was to not vote. Spare me, Scarborough. Tomorrow you and Mike will prove what suck up lackies you really are by devoting your program to two of the biggest polluters on the planet, the Koch brothers. Ah yes, help them them try to redeem a good reputation they never had.


Yes, and it proves his point that the DEMs are respected and the GOP is not. Look at FOX and it’s obvious why the GOP does not deserve respect. They find the truth repellent. The act of journalism is foreign to them.


Moaning Joe. Fact free bullshit at its best.


Dana Bash. John King. Jonathan Karl. Wolf Blitzer. Rick Santelli. Chris Matthews (who worked in the Reagan administration). Joe Scarborough himself. Chuck Todd. David Gregory. Andrea Mitchell. Larry Kudlow.

Sorry, but Chris Matthews is a Democrat and he didn’t work for Reagan, he was a speech writer for Jimmy Carter.

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How convenient for Jo(k)e to forget, that, with the exception of PBS, all the major news organizations are FOR PROFIT corporations.
It’s a free market out there Squint!
I thought you loved you some free market, no?
Unlike the 3 hour -dump- that is Morning Jo(k)e (with the nodding and fawning Mika ‘the floater’ Brezinski), the rest of corporate television pays for and promotes… t-a-l-e-n-t.
Even Fox “News” understands and employs the talent required to keep the rubes perpetually frothy.

And, as our still-recovering nation is painfully aware, the entire 8 years of Bush the Lesser, top to bottom, was notoriously Talent-F-ing–Free!!
You need look no further than Squint’s frequent guest, the cackling bag of rocks, Nicolle Wallace.
Wallace was the Communications Director for both Jeb and G.W. - she’s the ‘best of breed’ from Bush & Co and she’s interminably insipid!


The best and most logical solution to the problem of the upcoming Republican Presidential Primary debates, as articulated by Lt. Ellen Ripley:
“I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
And as Pvt. Hudson replied, “Fucking A!”

Ironic, ain’t it, that the Tea Party was invented on CNBC?



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“Why don’t we hire Republicans that worked in the Bush White House like we hire people that was Bill Clinton’s flak?”

Why not hire journalists that have the simple basics of English language usage as well?

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Dah! Joe!

  1. Look into the mirror.
  2. Take journalism 101 and slower read ethics section.

But then again, maybe he just isn’t smart enough to grasp what a professional journalist job is.

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That is beyond laughable

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“I’m more conservative than people think I am… I voted for George W. in 2000.” - Chris Matthrews.

But you are correct. He worked for Carter and Tip O’Neil. I stand corrected on the Reagan comment.


Gotta love L. kudlow. Tell all your Republican friends to follow his advice and lose their investments.

Loved the close-up of Krudlow’s base metal prezzie cuff links during the CNBC vamp prior to the ill-fated ‘debate’, he’ll whore for Coney Island trinkets.

I have a better idea, let’s not.

That republican “talent pool” is more like a shallow puddle.

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It’s deeper when Christie sits in it…

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Hire people from the Bush White House (Dubya) to be in news and journalism? Those people including his White House communication department lied us into one the greatest military catastrophes in American history and the final chapter is ‘nowhere’ close to being written. The Republican Party lives in an alternate universe when it comes to reality, facts, and truth.