Discussion: Scarborough On Ben Carson's Pyramid Theory: It's Crazy!' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #242583

You know if Joe Scarborough says it’s crazy then it’s REALLY super off the hook crazy.


Geez, Carson’s idea is not a ‘theory’. The idea that the pyramids were used tombs for the Pharaoh’s is a ‘theory’ – which is confirmed every time they find a new tomb in a pyramid. The idea that pyramids were used to hold grain is just a bat-shit crazy idea.


A sentence in the story reads: “But Scarborough, a Southern Baptist, said Carson’s defense didn’t hold water.” Carson’s defense likewise doesn’t hold grain!!! (snark)


Uh, no, he really shouldn’t be president. But if you didn’t know that before he started spouting this wackaloon Chariots of the Gods shit, you haven’t been paying attention.


“I spent about three or four days a week reading the Bible in church, and was literally raised in the Southern Baptist church…"

Too bad in all of that reading of Bible you didn’t learn anything about humility, honesty, integrity, compassion, or charity.


This article forgets to mention that Scarborough said he also believes in Zombie Jesus and that we can ridicule that as well.

Also, that Mike pouted about how unfair it was to Christie for him not to be included in the main debate because he loves heroin addicts and seems genuine because he’s told this story many times so it must be from the heart…

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The set of “secular progressives” keeps getting bigger and bigger. Where will it stop? No matter. we welcome all the new members to our club today, we’re a big tent! Go Bernie!

The Rise And Fall Of Dr. Ben

He was a brilliant surgeon,
the pride of his people;
his legacy assured and sound.

Then the GOP came
and dangled a carrot
and an idiot savant
was found.


Doucheborough limited his reading to the Song of Solomon…

No crazier than giving the Koch brothers a free commercial.

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“I spent about three or four days a week reading the Bible in church, and was literally raised in the Southern Baptist church. And I don’t believe his theory. It’s crazy!”

Well, that settles that doesn’t it. I’m sure Dr. C’s Seventh Day Adventists and all the other non-Southern Baptist flavors of the christian cult agree that the Southern Baptists are actually the true argle bargle jesus argle bargle. Lolwut?

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They are looking in the wrong place for confirmation–not the bible, but DeMille’s movie “The Ten Commandments.” It’s right there–Moses (also known as Joseph) stops an old woman from being squished between stones while building the royal silo. He says, “Blood makes poor grain” or something.


wait until he claims that the Mayan pyramids were built by the Lost Tribe who made the crossing to the New World via Atlantis before it sank…

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“Scarborough and guest Mark Halperin, a senior editor at Bloomberg Politics, questioned whether Carson’s “personal theory” could sink his support among Republican presidential voters.”

Actually, it will probably increase it. The dimwits and no-nothings who are the base of The Stupid Party eat this shit up.

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FACT: Dick Clark was loaded with corn…


Okay, wait. I’m confused. Are Scarborough and Halperin now agreeing its their job to call out a Republican candidate for believing crazy things, sneeringly dismissing science, attacking people with expertise for having expertise, and believing nonsensical things based on dogma along that are contrary to objective reality?

Really? Because that would be a turning point in American political discourse if they started doing that that might be the beginning of a renaissance for democracy.

Oh, wait, what’s that you say? They’re only attacking the one their plutocrat masters have deemed absolutely unacceptable as a threat to their inevitable victory over Hillary by shamelessly pretending that global warming denial, expansionary austerity, the magical revenue generation power of tax cuts, fed auditing, gold buggery, imaginary giant walls that fly up into existence in a matter of mere months, paid for by Mexico and then followed by the deportation of eleven million people in a mere year an a half, the urgent need for massive cuts to the National Science Foundation, and the endless stream of outright lies that spew out of Fiorina’s mouth like slugs from a belt fed machine-gun are sensible positions about which sensible people can sensibly disagree?


“You have the question of whether this guy is a little quirky,”
Scarborough said, "whether he has the temperament, whether he has the
character to be President of the United States.”

Forget it, Joe. The Koch 'interview ’ showed that questions are not really your strong suit.

Not saying he hasn’t earned your snark (so many times, in so many ways), but the stuff on ‘humility’ is mostly limited to the New Testament on What Jesus Did & Said, and even then that part revolves entirely around a dude who claimed to be Son of God, so …