Discussion for article #225311
Arrogantly and aggressively assert false fact on TV. Apologize on Twitter. Great. It’s the modern equivalent of the the old print journalism convention that posted corrections to front page stories on page A-26 below the tide tables.
Measure twice, cut once.
Also remember, there was a US congressman on that flight, giving us a dog in that fight beyond the humanitarian and military overreach concerns both these incidents bring up. Yah! Reagan best prez evar!
Once again, the reality of St Ronnie of Raygun shatters the myth.
What happens when Obama Delusion Syndrome meets Reagan Infallibility Syndrome.
Tomorrow on Morning Joe: “Did hothead Obama speak too soon? Shouldn’t he have taken the patient, measured approach like Reagan?”
I am surprised he even bother to correct his mistake. Revisionist history is his thing. Bush 43 was the best president we ever had according to according to Scarborough.
One should be asking why Joe has 3 hours of morning network TV time daily and Rachel Maddow only has one hour half way through the evening. Why does MSNBC give that blow-hard, Joe, 3 hours a day?
On the contrary, Real Reagan no longer exists anymore for Republicans. Mythical Ronald Reagan, deified and worshipped, the Magic President from whom all blessings of liberty flow, infallible and ideologically identical to the views of every Republican who invokes His holy Name, regardless of that Republican’s own ideology, is all that’s left for them.
Look at who owns and runs MSNBC. They are trying to find the “libtard” niche, but they are really hardened conservatives through and through. That is why when any liberal journalist the world over tells the truth about some conservative billionaire the President of MSNBC apologizes.
Necrophilia writ large
I guess that throws all the other claims Joe has made into the crapper too.
I remember when Gary Bauer ran for President in 2000. I used to count the number of times he could work “Ronald Reagan” into a speech.
Not only wrong, but defiantly wrong. A typical conservative.
this the narrative the right wing and the media is fondling that like always is proven wrong
Morning Joke Scarborough is suffering, as are most of his GOP compatriots, from the disease that requires them to deify Ronnie Raygun regardless of truth or accuracy. Unfortunately this disease has no no known cure. And since science has no place in their universe - if a cure is to be found they will find a way to defund the research!
Odd, he let facts get in the way of his rhetoric. How un-Republican of him.
The rewriting of history when it comes to President Reagan really opened my eyes to how history is recorded. With all due respect, the man was brain dead for most of his second term. It was embarrassing, as was the hero worship the right heaped on him in the years after his death. It really didn’t matter who he was, the right needed a hero after President Nixon’s behavior. And a hero they created.
It’s a cult of personality