Every minute that passes that parents and their children are not together is causing years if not a lifetime of severe trauma. THIS is what Trump will be remembered for.
Stop it
Just Stop it
Do not give these discredited gasbags oxygen
As if there is one person on the plantet who gives a fuck what this gold plated Douchebag has to say about ANYTHING
This atrocious, inhumane policy that he put in place. Good luck with that, Mooch.
The plan is pretty clearly for trump to ride to the rescue. He’ll tell sessions to tell ICE to stop, and claim that he’s rescuing children from the democrats. And then ICE won’t in fact stop for at least another several months.
That is the issue
The psychological scars of the separation
not good for the congress if we want to win the midterms.”
Behold the underlying truth.
The “this is not America” canard is such BS. This is not the America we should be but there’s been 250 years of separating families.
Avenatti said it better:
This is not my America. This is not our America. #Outraged #Basta
Et tu, Mooch?
“The President is good at imagery,”
No, he isn’t. If he was, his approval rating in the U.S. wouldn’t be hovering in the 35% to 40% range, and his approval rating internationally wouldn’t be even worse. He’s “good” at projecting imagery that energizes that 35% to 40% of the wing nuttiest reactionaries, but that’s a dubious achievement at best.
Recall that he was (maybe still is) a Democrat. In 2008, for example, he supported Clinton and then raised money for Obama.
B…b…but, Sec. of Homeland Security Nielsen says “it’s not a policy. Period.”
Who to believe? Who to trust? Well, nobody connected to Trump, that’s for sure.
And, once again, unelected shills take to the airwaves to try to change the mind of the TV-addicted Nazi Toddler.
“The plan is pretty clearly for trump to ride to the rescue.”
Maybe things will happen as you suggest. But, come on, this is Trump. There is no plan.
“The President is good at imagery,” he said. “He is a television star and understands that this is not good for him and not good for the congress if we want to win the midterms.”
The Mooch, this once, is wise. If there’s anything that will shake Trump’s resolve and make him reconsider his human rights abuses of brown people, it is saying it makes Trump a bad television star.
I’m… like… maybe 3% kidding.
Why do any media outlets book this creep?
Call it (simply) like it is.
Nonsense! The plan is for Trump to make a very big, very tremendous deal and #win.
Who gives a shit about what this asshole has to say about anything?