Discussion: Scaramucci and CNN Host Battle It Out During New WH Official's First Week

Clown vs. Clown’s…

Somebody should get a pie in the face…

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“You and I both want it done subito, but nothing gets done subito here,” he said.

Worse general manager eva.

Scaramucci went on to call Cuomo an “establishmentarian journalist” who is “wedded to the establishmentarian bureaucratic sclerosis” in D.C., which he said are concepts the American people don’t like about Washington and why Trump was elected in the first place.



Did Scaramucci go to a plastic surgeon and say “I want to look like a shorter, slightly less manly Sigourney Weaver”? He totally nailed it.


This guy was great in the airport heist scene in Goodfellas.


No one should have awakened to this, humorous as it was.
I still feel residual goombah…
Between the face work and the filler bulges, Mooch should ask the cameraman for a medium shot, no close-ups, please. And, get a pro to color your hair…schmuck.


You mean the scene where they dig him out of the garbage truck? Yeah…he is still totally nailing that scene.

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Pointless interviews no matter which one of the communication dregs is dredged up for them.

Gorka, Conway, this moolie, it just doesn’t matter. CNN seems especially stuck on the blind faith that something real, substantive and unfake is forthcoming from anyone representing the White House.

In a few quick days, Scaramucci melded into a Trumpist model spox with zero difference from all others but the aire of greaseball.

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Not sure if this was before or after the 30 sec. I woke up to where they showed Trump declaring that he could be the most Presidentin’ President who ever Presidented ('cept for maybe Lincoln) which they followed with some Trump flunky who proceeded to tell us that what he said made sense because Donnie had assembled one of the greatest Cabinets in history. Now that was some funny shit right there, but way too much for pre-coffee in the morning.


Continue the lies. Describe everything as winning even if it makes no sense. For Trump it is all about political points and how he thinks he is being seen. That is it. Period. People that get in his way are to be removed.

If that is his management style it is a pretty bad one. A leader should be upfront with the employee first and not discuss things like that to the public as a whole. And the president should not use twitter to attack political enemies either. It is not what the president should do at all.

Trump is a troll.