Discussion: Scalise Undergoes Surgery After Returning To ICU 3 Weeks After Shooting

Thoughts and prayers from anyone who’s ever been “gravely wounded”, had bullets shatter their bones and rip through internal organs as they tore across their abdomens, or died.


I hope he gets better, because I am honest enough to admit that his replacement would be just as bad, and if he were to recover he might have some sympathy to other victims of violence who don’t have gold level health insurance like he does. Historically, it takes a personal tragedy for a GOP politician to start giving a damn about other people stuck in that similar tragedy.

So yeah, that’s me being very cynical, but these are times where cynicism is justified.

They say 5 percent take up 50 percent of health care costs. I wonder what percent of that 5 percent is from innocent people being shot or victims of other violence? That’s a CBO score that needs to be calculated.


There’s no reason to believe he’ll have sympathy for victims of gun violence.

He is also a proud gun rights supporter who touted his A+ rating from the National Rifle Association. “Scalise will continue fighting to protect every citizen’s second amendment right to keep and bear arms,” a gun rights page on his congressional website promises.


It always happens to someone else, until it doesn’t. That’s why we should not let it happen to others. In the last three years guns have taken the lives of three of my friends and relatives. I do not think that experience is particularly unusual.


Ironically, according to my infection prevention specialist daughter, the regime is cutting funding for research into infection prevention and control. Given the rise of antibiotic resistant superbugs, this is madness.


“Thoughts and prayers, yada, yada, yada…”

Isn’t that the speed-dial extent of GOP concern for any victim of gun violence?

Why should this guy be any different from the tens of thousands of others?

Men, women, and first-graders (!) gunned down in America year after year after year after year after year…

Oh, that’s right – he’s a Republican!

Well, then, by all means, let’s pretend to care.

This time.


Lord have MRSA on these people.


If he’s got good and dedicated doctors and (underpaid) nurses, he won’t need thoughts and prayers. These folks, unlike some politician folks I won’t mention(1) do their jobs.

(1)Apophasis, I love it!


There’s some nasty bacteria in hospitals out there other than MRSA.

Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae (extended-spectrum β-lactamases)
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter


Thank You. It makes me feel good to learn something. :beers:

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This is basically what you would expect with a rifle shot to the pelvis. The tissue damage caused by the shock wave that high speed bullets cause when they enter the body usually leads to repeated infections and recurrent tissue breakdown for weeks to months. Rep Scalise won’t be leaving the hospital for quite a while and, when he does finally leave, he’ll be in rehab for months to years after.


Scalise is undergoing a customized, spare-no-expense medical regimen known as “hypocritical care.”


A lesson to republicans about guns - when it happens to one of their own. I expect, however, that they will express their regrets and then move on without changing anything about gun control, because it didn’t happen to them or anyone in their family.

That cool cash from the NRA sure is blinding.


To those people who missed this PBS FRONTLINE documentary, I would strongly recommend to watch it.


Rethugliklans don’t gain empathy through personal tragedy. On the contrary, they prove time and again that they are genetically incapable of it.


This is this the world Scalise wants to live in. He seems like a good guy. Why didn’t he have a gun to defend himself against the bad guy? It’s a little late to complain.


Hey! They just appointed someone to head the CDC. And only 6 months in! Not bad for an Administration that can’t even book a hotel room.

Everyone knows pandemics will wait until you get your sh!t together.


I knew a man who was killed by a MAC-10 assault weapon along with two co-workers on June 14, the same day Scalise was wounded. My friend died in an ER and he and his friends will be dead for a long time with no one in Washington mourning their loss. As I said in another post Scalise has an A+ rating from the NRA so has no problems with assault weapons being in the hands of the wrong people.


My thoughts and prayers follow my penny into the GOP hypocrites drop box.