Discussion: Scalise: Speaking To White National Group Was 'A Mistake I Regret'

Discussion for article #231554

Many a caught fish has thought, “Man, I need to get out in front of this hook!”


Right. So in one day you’ve gone from maybe I did speak to them, but I spoke to a lot of groups so you can’t blame me! To okay yeah I was personally invited, and did say that the worst thing about David Duke is that he can’t be elected. To now, deeply regretting speaking to the group at all. Complete and utter BS.


And he’s fast trying to throw off his white supremacist ties. Too bad for him, the hood and sheet are already out of the closet and we know him for what he is.


Here comes the “limited hang out” and the story is, as they say, “evolving.”


The GOP accepts “apology logic” from their leaders that most people would not accept from a 5 yr old.


“I am very disappointed that anyone would infer otherwise for political gain.” And, we haven’t, really, celebrated a White Christmas since…


“I regret being caught.”


“Those who know me best know I have always been passionate about helping, serving, and fighting for every family I represent,” he concluded.

Yeah, the Koch family, the Scaife family, the Dimon family, the Adelson family, the Waltons, the Zuckerberg family, the Murdoch family…

Those are the families you represent, and it’s clear you’re passionate about helping, serving, and fighting for them.


Actually, what he regrets is that a lot of people know about it.


How bad can it be?

I mean this IS the state that elected Diaperman.

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Shorter Scalise: “Getting caught by the media speaking to a White National Group is a mistake i regret.”


Next apology will be directed towards his base:
Scalise: Speaking To The League of Women Voters Was ‘A Mistake I Regret’


“Twelve years ago, I spoke to many different Louisiana groups as a state representative, trying to build support for legislation that focused on cutting the wasteful state spending, eliminating government corruption, and stopping tax hikes, One of the many groups that I spoke to regarding this critical legislation was a group whose views I wholeheartedly condemn.”

Teatroll Rosetta Stone says:

“Twelve years ago, I spoke to many different Louisiana groups as a state representative, trying to build support for legislation that focused on stopping state spending on lazy, uppity niggers, eliminating niggers and those who want to help them from government, and stopping tax hikes on wealthy white folks and business owners who refuse to pay living wages, particularly to niggers, One of the many groups that I spoke to regarding this critical legislation was a group whose views I wholeheartedly espouse, but know enough to condemn publicly.”


But it has been reported that that he and Duke were good friends… He is on defense and rightly so! What a typical tea gop sleaze!


Somewhere in Louisiana, someone is trying to put a price on the photo they found by rummaging in a drawer—because that photo either shows Scalise and Duke embracing each other at that EURO convention or it shows Scalise wearing his best white sheets.

One of the two images is going to be made public within the next week or so.


I love the verbiage here; it’s very effective. Can I see a show of hands of anyone among us has never made a mistake he or she regrets? Nobody? That’s what I thought. But the thing is, very, very few of us have been so steeped in a toxic culture that we’d make this mistake. Can I see a show of hands of people who’ve addressed a hate group led by the country’s most famous Ku Kluxer? Nobody? That’s what I thought.




First Teatroll to scream “argle barghle Robert Byrd Robert Byrd argle barghle!!!” wins a cookie. Tick tock…


“A mistake I regret…”
And that’s all the media needs to hear. They will now gleefully invite him to appear on the Sunday talk shows so they can throw softball questions at him and guffaw at his comments. “Chuck Todd on line 1, Mister Scalise!”.

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