Discussion: Scalise: Las Vegas Shooting 'Fortified' My Support For Second Amendment

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Hey - what says having your colon blown out better than more guns. The gas smells like freedom.


Scalise, you are a blooming idiot.


“…and unrestricted access to high rises within close range of large outdoor crowds.”


OK, his brain simply doesn’t work. Next?


Before he was shot, Scalise behaved like the colossal Republican dick that he always was. Neither the shooting nor our “thoughts and prayers” have turned him away from his dickish past. The scorpion still stings the frog.


Of course. God’s grace spared him because he believes and every other innocent victim of gun violence is deserving of their fate because they apparently didn’t believe enough. A brush with death is not enough to change the essential character of this selfish horrible man. A complete waste of medical resources. I am done with even pretending to feel sorry for his suffering.


I wonder if he realizes that more and more Americans are changing their minds about the limits of the Second Amendment, right down to the musicians on stage at the concert in Las Vegas. The armaments industry is doing better than ever, but their business relies on a tiny minority of the country.


Well, that made absolutely zero sense.


A failure of logic, a failure of humanity.




that has gerrymandered their stranglehold over congress.


If the Democrats want to do something, it’s political. If the Republicans want to do it, it’s patriotism.

It’s hard to win on such a level playing field.


“Because first of all, you’ve got to recognize that when there’s a tragedy like this, the first thing we should be thinking about is praying for the people who were injured and doing whatever we can to help them, to help law enforcement. We shouldn’t first be thinking of promoting our political agenda.”

Fucking piece of shit.

Every time a Republican says something like this it is exactly using a tragedy for their political agenda.

Their agenda is to not talk about or even open the door to talk sensible gun laws.

I suppose if 26 first graders dodnt get Republicans to show a human side and if Scalise himself being shot didn’t then he is a lost cause.

Seems Karma still isn’t even with this POS.


Our so-called political agenda isn’t meant to selfishly benefit ourselves. The idea is to keep people from being shot. This is a thing you’re too cultish or venal to accept. But the majority of the country gets it. You’re either a hypocrite or a damn slow learner, pal.

There used to be bipartisan support for commonsense gun control. That there isn’t now, even after Sandy Hook, is a pretty good example of how extreme and antidemocratic the Republicans have become.


So I’ll ask the idiot a question for him and for Wayne LaPierre and the NRA: Where in Las Vegas was the “good guy with a gun” that you all keep telling us will stop this kind of madness as soon as the shooting starts? And please, don’t tell us about the Vegas Police. They did a fantastic job in the face of impossible
circumstances, but it still took over an hour for them to find and take out the shooter. In the meantime, the madman with an arsenal of fully automatic rifles kept spraying the crowd with deadly efficacy.

Long ago, Benjamin Franklin observed that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Our leaders need to reflect on that wisdom relative to the need to effectively regulate access to our own domestic weapons of mass destruction. Of course the NRA, who are completely devoid of wisdom will never understand the concept of prevention.


Scalise returned to Congress last week for the first time more than three months after he was shot in the hip at a Republican congressional baseball practice in June.

I bet if you x-ray his hip you’ll see “PROPERTY OF NRA” carved into the bone.


Make no mistake. The American people are being held hostage by radical extremists funded by gun manufacturers. The NRA no more represents the average person than a Wall Street banker.

The interpretation of the 2nd amendment has been distorted and is bereft of all common sense. There is no reason on this earth for a civilian to have that type of firepower. We need a Supreme Court that collectively has true wisdom to restore sanity in this country because the politicians (Republicans) obviously lack the courage to act.


Actually I would say that the NRA isn’t stupid. They know exactly that “well regulated” is right there in the text and that regulation can go real far without violating 2nd amendment rights.

That’s why they can’t let even the smallest change for fear of the gun industry coming crashing down.


curious that having sane laws that may go a little way towards protecting the public from from the mass shooting of 600 Americans is somehow “promoting our political agenda”

mr scalise, how is mitigating the shooting 600 Americans a political agenda? Sounds like common sense to me, but then again, I am stoopid because I don’t think elimination of the estate tax is a middle class tax break either