Discussion: Scalia Gets Another Epic Trolling In Pro-Gay Marriage Court Decision

Discussion for article #223635

Probably at some point in the future, Scalia will be remembered as a hero of the marriage equality movement. I’m not sure it’s the legacy he hopes for, but I don’t really care how we get to equality as long as we get there. Scalia is widely known for his hateful gay bashing, but actions count more than words, so I’m happy that his words have resulted in meaningful actions.


example eleventy-billion of why conservatives HATE it when you quote back to them the things that they say


Is there the legal possibility that a legislative or judicial action in the future on the SCOTUS DOMA decision could undercut all these other lower-court decisions at the same time? It’s great to have a little just desserts for Scalia and his extreme conservative trolling on the court. But having a single action that could undermine a whole swath of judicial precedence at the same time would suck.

Justices write dissents for many different reasons – often to try to position an argument to move the law in a future case. Of course it is evident to everyone that this is the logical extension of the DOMA decision. When the marriage question reaches the Court, Scalia will use all of these cites to say, “See, I told you so” and to argue that not only should they not approve marriage equality, the Court should in fact go back and reverse the DOMA decision and Lawrence v. Texas. I don’t see that as likely given the current make-up of the Court, but I believe that is why Scalia wrote what he did in his DOMA dissent.


I believe that if faced with the choice between finding a constitutional right to same sex marriage or fabricating a new legal concept from whole cloth, today’s Supreme Court would choose the latter. If all the federal appellate courts find a right, the Supremes might decide not to hear an appeal. IMO that’s about the best we can hope for from the current ultra-reactionary majority.

Another Supreme Court decision could undercut the unanimous (so far) district court decisions, or I suppose there’s a miniscule possibility that a constitutional amendment could somehow get passed - those would be the ways all the current decisions could be overturned at once.

Nope. This genie is out of the bottle. Gay marriage equality will the law of the land nationally within 5 years. Probably much sooner. Thank you Nino. We couldn’t have done it without you.


Not so much troll as a dish of crow washed down with a glass of careful what you ask for. I know, I know, more of a self fulfilling prophecy than anything. At least we now have something to thank AS for.

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Fat Tony’s accidental legacy goes rolling along!

Welcome aboard the equality train Wisconsin!


So…Fat Tony is getting banged by lots and lots of judges re: Lawrence v. Texas.

Well he’s been fucking our butts for years.


Wouldn’t it be great to hang a plaque honoring him behind the bar at The Stonewall?


it couldn’t happen to a more worthy person. seeing this arrogant prick hoist on his own petard, is one of life’s small pleasures.



not unless 14A is repealed, and I don’t see that happening any time soon.

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I certainly hope he will get over it.

Juuuuuust like HE told US to get over Bush v Gore.

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I don’t think so. The four liberals will almost certainly go with the equality side, and while Kennedy is (contrary to what many people say) reliably conservative on most issues rather than a split-the-difference moderate, one issue he’s very reliable and forceful on is gay rights. He’s written the opinions on most of the major cases, including Lawrence and Windsor.

It’s possible they may decide not to take the case at all, because Kennedy would feel uncomfortable going that far and the conservatives would be afraid of losing. But I’m not sure either of those are really true (especially since the conservatives have already basically lost everywhere, unless the appeals courts decide differently). But if they do, it’s hard to see them ruling against equality.

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What a wonderful choice of pictures to accompany the article.

It suggests that Mr. Scalia is pleased with the decision.

Why do I suspect that he wasn’t consulted?

I’m waiting for this train to roll into Texas. The butthurt’ (*pun intended) by Perry, Dewhurst, and Abbott will be epic and oh so sweet.


Hey, Nino Scalia, what’d ya have for breakfast today?
Oh…I see! An extra large serving of sour grapes smothered in fail sauce, crammed good and hard.

Excellent choice!

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Scalia must be very proud: Not many people can say they were so integral in bringing about the end of anti-gay-marriage bans. But really, it couldn’t have happened to a better person.

Every time an anti-gay marriage law is struck down____Scalia gets a roid’!


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