Discussion: Say Goodbye To The Most Outrageous GOP Candidate You've Never Heard Of (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #237066

Grifters gonna grift…


GOP nominating process has turned into a truly twisted “Who wants to be a Millionaire” / “Survivor” reality circus predominately focused of the trailer park demographic.


I’m worried, in a somewhat Wittgensteinian sense, about the claim that what’s-his-name is the “the most outrageous GOP candidate of 2016.” If there’s one candidate nobody’s ever heard of, and you have shown this to be true, then there’s likely to be others. And what (hello, Ludwig) is the boundary that separates candidates from non-candidates? If we recognize that a candidate is someone who has declared himself (herself) — or even merely thinks himself (herself) — to be one, the landscape may be thick with them, arranged in tier upon tier of even more grandiose outrageousness.


Aw, a shame. I thought whatshisname would go the distance. The debates between him and the metric system guy would have been epic.


I’m a political junkie and have never even heard of him or recognized his pic as someone’s image I’ve seen before. He must have been awesome. It is obvious that I never watch Fox News to tell me of his awesomeness. Oh well, brain cells saved for a better day.


Most outrageous? That’s saying a lot, given this year’s crop of GOP nutcases running for the Oval Office.


Who? Not that patronizing, pretending to be cool inquiry, but seriously Who? I try to keep up and even I have never heard of him.


He must not have been one of the 10 that ABC’s GMA (George) was speaking of this morning with such glee.

Then ABC (George) made fun of the fact that there are now 4 on the Democrap side, or as he said the 3 on that side that will not make even a small dent in Hill’s momementem. Then again, his next sentence seemed to indicate that Hill has slid in the polls due to her competition. No mention of the competitions names however.

He also employed a lot of gimmicks, such as taking a fake call from President Obama, in which he slaps around the imaginary man on the receiver.

Conservatives just love to berate Imaginary Barack Obama (remember Clint Eastwood talking disrespectfully to an empty chair?) but when an actual opportunity occurs they don’t do so well (one 2012 presidential debate notwithstanding).

Remember when PBO schooled the entire Republicken caucus early in his first term? Remember several of those silly Correspondent Dinners? They do so much better when responding to the imaginary fever-dream version.

Well, at least now there will be a little extra space in the Konservative Klown Kar for John Ellis Bush once he can figure out that he’s actually running for President (and has been for months)!


I think the dividing line is whether or not they have something they’re actively trying to sell.

Other than just the usual bad (and disproven) ideas, that is…they’ve all got a bunch of those.

And I believe we ain’t seen nothin’ yet - still a year and a half to go!


I only remember him from that Republicken “Draft” show that Chris Hayes did on MSNBC a few months back. Had no idea who he was, then or now.

I suppose we can look forward to him “poofing” off the slide with the pictures of all the potential candidates tonight on TRMS.

“Say Goodbye To The Most Outrageous GOP Candidate Of 2016”

Buuu   Bye  ---
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I’m glad somebody at TPM watches Fox News so I don’t have to.


“Conservatives are AWESOME!”…they gave us two,quagmire wars,one of which Colin Powell said was based on lies, collapsed the world economy from here to Helsinki and refused, from the first day, to help the next guy dully elected to try and fix the mess they made.
He took his hat out of the ring. Big deal, all it ever did was sit on a block of wood.

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Valid summation.

Welcome Home Brother

Ahhh…such a tragedy! And there was still plenty of room in the RepubliKKKlan Clown Car parade.



“Lynch told the predominately greying crowd that he knew how to “make conservatism cool again” — he started by growing a beard.”

If they keep scraping the bottom of the barrel, they really will hit China. Maybe this dimwit will find that “abundance of Chinese.”

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